

-as of [5 FEBRUARY 2024]
















*”facebook” is an american ‘for-profit corporation’ + an online ‘social media’ / ‘social networking’ service based in (‘menlo park’ / ‘california’)*


(the ‘facebook’ website was launched on ‘4 february 2004’, by ‘mark zuckerberg’, along with fellow harvard college students + roommates, ‘eduardo saverin’, ‘andrew mccollum’, ‘dustin moskovitz’, and ‘chris hughes’)

(the ‘founders’ had initially limited the website’s membership to ‘harvard students’; however, later they expanded it to ‘higher education institutions’ in the ‘boston’ area, the ‘ivy league’ schools, and ‘stanford university’)

(facebook’ gradually added support for students at various other ‘universities’, and eventually to ‘high school students’ as well)

(since ‘2006’, anyone “age 13 and older” has been allowed to become a registered user of ‘facebook’, though variations exist in the ‘minimum age requirement’, depending on applicable ‘local laws’)

(the ‘facebook’ name comes from the “facebook directories” often given to ‘united states’ university students)

(‘facebook’ may be accessed by a large range of ‘desktops’, ‘laptops’, ‘tablet computers’, and ‘smartphones’ over ‘the internet’ and ‘mobile networks’)

(after registering to use the ‘site’, ‘users’ can create a ‘user profile’ indicating their ‘name’, ‘occupation’, ‘schools attended’ (and so on))

(users can add other users as “friends”, exchange ‘messages’, post ‘status updates’ and ‘digital photos’, share ‘digital videos’ and ‘links’, use various ‘software applications’ (“apps”), and receive notifications when others update their profiles or make ‘posts’)

(additionally, users may join ‘common-interest user groups’ organized by ‘workplace’, ‘school’, hobbies or other topics, and categorize their friends into lists such as “people from work” or “close friends”)

(in ‘groups’, ‘editors’ can pin posts to top)

(additionally, users can complain about or block ‘unpleasant people’)

(because of the large volume of data that users submit to the service, ‘facebook’ has come under scrutiny for its ‘privacy policies’)

“(when) will they ever come ‘over scrunity’)
(as in the ‘flip ‘of earth’s ‘magnetic field’)

(‘facebook’ makes most of its ‘revenue’ from ‘advertisements’ which appear ‘onscreen’)

(“facebook incorporated” held its ‘initial public offering’ (IPO) in ‘february 2012’, and began selling stock to the public 3 months later, reaching an original ‘peak market capitalization’ of ‘$104 billion’)

(on ’13 july 2015′, ‘facebook’ became the fastest company in the ‘standard & poor’s 500 Index’ to reach a ‘market cap’ of ‘$250 billion’)

(‘facebook’ has more than ‘1.86 billion’ monthly active users as of ’31 december 2016′)

(how many are duplicates?)
(i’ve made at least 6 FB profiles without a problem…)


(as of ‘april 2016’, ‘facebook’ was the most popular ‘social networking site’ in the world!…)

*based on the # of ‘active user accounts’*


(‘facebook’ classifies users from the ages of ’13’ to ’18’ as ‘minors’ and therefore sets their profiles to share content with ‘friends only’)








👈👈👈☜*“META PLATFORMS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥