*eyebrow journals*

i’m cursed with the ‘black irish’ unibrow

(as well as ‘color-blindness’)

(in some cultures (such as ‘india’), the ‘unibrow’ is considered a symbol of ‘virility’ + ‘purity’)

“so there!”

in western cultures, the unibrow is universally disparaged…

consider sesame street’s “bert”…

so after several years of being mocked for my unibrow (most notably the jealous little twit alex kenwell and more recently the jealous little twit christopher bailey), i began getting regular waxings at hair extraordinaire…

it was always a female who waxed my eyebrows (jennifer / erica / alessandra / danielle / lindsey bodor)…it cost me a few extra bucks but it seemed to be well worth the price…

lindsey bodor used to wax my eyebrows and i fantasized about passionate trysts in the waxing room.  she’s long since departed from “hair extraordinaire” (as el madre so smugly informed me).  she was a former hairdresser there.  she was engaged during the entire time i knew her (that sorta ruined it for me…)  she was only a year older (a graduate from middlesex high school).  our sole mutual facebook friend is alessandra lordi (daughter of my hairdresser vincent).  lindsey came armed with blonde hair, blue eyes, big tits, and a thoroughly dumataliana outlook on life (although her surname sounded hungarian…just like nardilla’s half-hungarian heritage…)

and now she’s married to a meathead named “petrone”.  he’s a big balding italian-american with a bad back.  he was a seller of electronic equipment in manhattan.

she also used to wash my hair in preparation for the haircut.  we chatted about her workout routines @ gold’s gym in greenbrook.  she paid $37/month but hadn’t worked out all month.  i facebook friended her to get more info but i promptly deleted her when she didn’t respond to my facebook invite to fan my music page.  she dug some oldman cover band but couldn’t bring herself to become a fan of the bot!  i also noted that she was facebook friends with many an old man.  including one married man who self-identified as “conservative” and according to his pics, regularly dressed up as a confederate war general.  he seemed vaguely familiar…

i soon realized that this was the very same overweight bozo i’d seen on a “sugar baby” youtube documentary

(rich old men who paid 20-year-old bimbos for “companionship”…)






👈👈👈☜*“EYEBROWS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥