-stubble diaries-

-as of [31 JANUARY 2024]


a month later, i finally decided to shave the beard…

but not before i went a week with a handlebar moustache…

my co-workers were thrilled…

drew parallels betweens 70s porn stars…

i used to shave my face every morning…

(now i don’t even bother)

when i worked @ guitar center (beginning in december 2006), i was required to shave my face each morning…

the manager sean holmes routinely busted my balls for failure to shave…

the old man has a much thicker beard than me…

even mike’s beard connects better than mine…

(though he’ll never grow it out…)

(or rather ‘he’d never’)

(a more ‘certain’ prediction)

(as in “even if he WERE, he would never…)

(not if you paid me 1…)

the ‘crowley childen can’t grow beards…

(akin to the ‘rolland runts”)

(thanks a bunch…)

(although uncle jimmy seems to have a healthy stubble)


(grow a ‘moustache ‘in november?)

(ala ‘uncle tony’)

to raise awareness for men’s health issues?

(high school boys can’t grow beards anyway…)


*1 JULY 2014*

(still got the overgrown beard…)
(just for busking)


*7 july 2014*

haven’t shaved the bottom beard since monday…

it’s getting way overgrown…

at this point i should wait to shave it ’til my 30th birthday…


*13 august 2014*

vinny shaved off the beard (with a basic razor) on 5 august 2014…

no shaving cream or close shave…

and he didn’t charge me extra for the service…

i haven’t shaved since…


*18 august 2014*

still haven’t shaved…

i still need to shave…

should i shave this beard?

how many razors will it take me to shave this beard?

what do i do about the beard?



(age 12…)

(7th grade)

(along with all the rest of the usual pubescent changes)

(started shaving my ‘puppy dog moustache’)

(the ‘old man’ showed me how to ‘shave’)

(as most fathers are ‘wont to do’)






👈👈👈☜*-FACIAL HAIR-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥