-as of [20 DECEMBER 2024]–
-a computer font is an ‘electronic data file’ containing a set of [‘glyphs’ / ‘characters’ / ‘symbols’] such as ‘dingbats’-
(although the term font first referred to a set of ‘metal type sorts’ in 1 ‘style’ and ‘size’, since the ‘1990s’ it is generally used to refer to a ‘scalable set’ of ‘digital shapes’ that may be printed at many different sizes)
i realized that i’m missing some ‘system fonts’…
can’t seem to solve the problem…
(there are 3 basic kinds of ‘computer font file data formats’…)
(‘bitmap fonts’ consist of a ‘matrix’ of ‘dots’ or ‘pixels’ representing the ‘image’ of each ‘glyph’ in each ‘face’ and ‘size’)
(‘outline fonts’ (also called ‘vector fonts’) use ‘bézier curves’, ‘drawing instructions’, and ‘mathematical formulae’ to describe each ‘glyph’, which make the ‘character outlines’ scalable to any size)
(not ‘formulas’?)
(based on the ‘latin plural spelling’)
(“stroke fonts” use a series of ‘specified lines’ + ‘additional information’ to define the profile (or ‘size’ and ‘shape’ of the ‘line’ in a ‘specific face’) which together describe the appearance of the ‘glyph’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥