-20 november 2014-



so i stayed up until 5:30am doing harmony vocals for “my dear helena”…

voice in great shape…got mildly high from rolling the roach papers into a new spliff…then i ate the rest of the applebee’s leftovers (with some peanut butter scoops)…save the styrofoam for microwave container…

alarm got me up before 10am…saw fat lady at bus stop going to trenton for food…

did my urine test…tested positive for alcohol + THC last week…supposed to get levels down or else i will be required to go to more sessions…did my prevocational group meeting with charity at 11am…she is a beautiful busty young brunette…a prettier stephanie blackadar?  too bad i looked like shit…i was with two middle-aged people…black man and white man…”jobs for felons”…she’s still being driven around by her mother…i told them my life story…we were out by 12:45pm…bummed a maverick from the middle-aged woman and then met with charity for individual session upstairs…had her sign my blue sheet from the front desk…

don’t have to come on thanksgiving…do i have to give urine test next week?…in the clear until 2 thursdays…

then i got the 1:08pm 409 bus to hudson street…came late…different style bus…saw the mother from the motel on the bus but didn’t say hi…walked to foodstamps office…no line…after an hour or so i saw a fat black lady and it took 10 minutes…should’ve been done last week…she said now my benefits will be prorated because it’s almost the end of the month…fuck…and that it’ll take “a couple days” to show up on my card…

ate my sirloin burger…cooked for 4 minutes…bread + peanut butter…so tired…just want to sleep…

gandharva coming from princeton…get off at rider stop…10 minute walk…he’s heading back now…he has a guitar amp…do i take acoustic + electric guitars or just electric?  or just acoustic?…he says its too cold to busk…but i want to anyway…even by myself…he needed his drum…i want to hit up karaoke tonight…

indian came to inspect bathroom and clean my air conditioning unit…



mister grindstone calling me…i suspect he’s tape recording me…talking shit about michael anthony and using racial epithets…he hung up when i started singing “affirmative action” and didn’t answer my call back…

i should call back magic dan…

worked all night on harmony vocals for “my dear helena”…got mildly high by rolling the roach papers into a new joint and mixing it with the rest of the cigarette butt tobacco…finally stopped ’round 5am…track still needs work but got some solid vocals down…that i now need to edit…anticipating a computer shutdown at any moment so i kept saving project with new name so that if a shutdown corrupted the current project i was working on i could revert to the last saved version…

was up before 10am…got the 10:25am 600 bus into trenton…the fat lady was there with me…looking for food in trenton…

went to front desk and got a blue slip from an incompetent old secretary…got my urine test done…then went to prevocational group session @ 11am…charity was the leader of the group…beautiful busty young brunette…with a middle-aged black felon rambling on about how he can’t get work because of background checks…”jobs for felons”…and a middle-aged lady who wants to sell furniture…still getting driven around by her mother…we ended @ 11:45am…bummed a cigarette from the middle-aged lady…then i went for my individual session with charity @ noon upstairs…i’ve already tested positive for booze + THC…she says that if i keep testing positive i will be required to go more often to the treatment center…she signed off my blue sheet and i departed…

caught the 1:08pm 409 bus from north broad street + east state street…a nicer bus than all the others…it was late…got off @ south broad street + hudson street…no line at the foodstamps building…waited over an hour…saw a fat young black chick…signed off on the paperwork…took less than 10 minutes…could’ve EASILY done this last week…had more than enough time…now my foodstamps are prorated for the month…fuck…allegedly will take “a couple days” to show up on my EBT card…but it did show up the next afternoon….$72…

got the next 613 bus back to the room sometime after 3pm…dead tired…put some sirloin burger soup in a styrofoam container in the microwave for over 4 minutes…dipped some sesame white bread into it…then started to nap…

first gandharva was up for busking…then he said it was too cold…he was headed back from princeton…quit his job @ 30 burger (after the manager accused him of stealing?)…then he claimed it was too cold to busk…i said i’d meet him at his place…was going to catch the 6:06pm 606 bus…started walking to the stop when i was stopped by the same young cop who had interrogated me for gabriel’s theft charge…he told me i couldn’t proceed because there was construction on the road…and there was no detour to the bus stop…this is after a half hour of walking in the cold with a guitar strapped to the back…so i called up gandharva with the news…went back to the room…exchanged the electric guitar for the acoustic guitar…we decided to busk in princeton…i got a 6:40pm 603 bus to quaker bridge mall…then a 7:00pm 605 bus to princeton…gandharva said he missed the last bus but his mother ended up giving him a ride to princeton…i sat with a glass of water in triumph brewery…he brought his conga drum / shaker / two harmonicas (E and Bb)…we played outside the princeton movie theater in the freezing cold…my phone was dying…and my camera battery was dying…so no video…which sucks because my vocals never sounded better…at least gandharva recorded it on his iphone…we didn’t get any tips…

then we went to frist campus center…i charged my phone…gandharva tinkled on the piano…a band was in the dining hall playing a tepid version of “the wind cries mary”…which means there’s no reason we shouldn’t be allowed to play there as well…but we hesitated in the end…should’ve went for it…instead he took me to the princeton chapel…two students were posted there…we should film a music video there…

then we walked to the ivy inn sometime before 11pm…gandharva bought me two beers…but he was running low on dough (and needed to make sure he had bus fare)…swiped some floaters when i could…but the black bouncer always seemed to have an eye on me…got some cigarettes off a tall bearded death metal dude named “kyle”…dating a ukranian brunette named “jane”…she had heard me sing karaoke before and was complimentary…i sang “oh! darling”…a bit out of breath but i nailed it as usual…then jane foolishly signed me up for a song i didn’t know…”take me to church” by hozier…she said i sounded like him…i tried my best to sing along with her…then i signed up for led zeppelin’s “rock n roll” but i never got around to it…(she also wanted me to sing “build me up buttercup” by the foundations)…at least she gave me her merlot…

got lots of compliments for the karaoke performance…met a sexy indian girl named “rishi”…but her facebook name is “arismita guha ray”…she was extremely sarcastic…and extremely busty…we smoked keith’s cigarettes outside…then i won her over with the karaoke performance…then we became facebook friends…at some point during the end of the night i started throwing in subtle touches…rubs on the shoulder + head…arm around her and jane on the dance floor…chubbing her cheeks…same old fat amanda there wanting to make music with me…keith said i would definitely be getting laid that night after “oh! darling”…but i couldn’t even get a ride home…he claimed he was taking a taxi back (but jane said he was driving)…amanda said she was going to a friend’s house to smoke dope…rishi said a redhead girl (who i think i had hit on before) was headed to lawrenceville…but she and her friend quickly headed out the door with a look of disgust when i approached them for a ride…

when it approached 1:06am gandharva and i head out…the 606 bus was just passing the ivy inn…i tried flagging it down…gandharva ran ahead and finally got it to stop…he gets off at the rider university stop (right after the franklin’s corner 606 stop)…

he let me crash at his pad that night…he didn’t have any booze (or other intoxicants)…even though i was tempted to swipe a wine bottle…we chatted til 4am…ate varsity pizza…he cooked me an egg sandwich…had some mnms + snickers…he lives with his parents…his mother is on her third husband…he’s a mutt…jewish? (i suspect his mother is)…although i saw her chiropractor license read “anne grimaldi”…but i also saw a menorah on the window…as well as lots of christian candles…they’ve got tons of pets…an old greyhoud…another dog he keeps in a cage in his bedroom…and a cockatiel…he let me crash on his fold-out couch…we were up by 11am…met his mother…and his sexy little sister ashley melissa…she graduated lawrenceville high school in 2012…and his 9-year-old sister sophia…drank coffee…he made me another egg sandwich…

he teaches yoga in monmouth junction on friday nights…rides his bike for a half-hour from princeton…he was married for 7 years to a redhead german girl…brittany tucker…and then engaged…

he’s gonna send me the recording of our street performance via google drive…

met his 18-year-old brother…works at tasty subs…he was test driving a mustang that day and bringing gandharva along…he dropped me off @ mercer county library…

gotta eventually tell him i’m living in a fucking motel…






👈👈👈 ☜ *“XXX”*


*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“NOVEMBER 20TH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥