-20 MAY 2023-



“stop motion”

staying frozen
look who the lord has chosen


tickertape parade

“as the gaybirds go berzerk…”




meet me in the afternoon

“string theory”
(formerly “too blue”)
(“above + beyond”)
(slow-fadeout as i type…)
(my life is full of broken strings…)
(yea…you best believe it now…)
(grow colda ’n colda)
(my coca-cola)
(my holly rolla)
(grow 10 foot

(now the bees are really swarming…)
(cut the connection…)
(release your power chord…)
(make the music neverending…)
(release the beast…)

“”””i thought i told ya….”””””
“””now the bees are really swarming…
“”””growing big and beatiful””””
“despite all commotion….”
“my life is full…”
“hey baby now…
“she’d betta rolle me on ova now…”
“o romeo…”


maybe our dreams come/came true
making my peace with you…

duly elected to do
do what designed to do
read deurotonomy
follow the flashing lights
see what they tryin to say
google earth
this vapor trail – 9//11 – ends with you

autumn grows weary too…
thats OK

straight from emegency with you

watever decide to do…

making my peace with you

follow the signals too
history of science


thats the spirit!
eat your oats
act as if she weren’t supposed to know about it…

sow your oats

santa clous

there we go!
“invisible hand” outro



mhy sources o so divine
my sources so ill defined
my baby blue…
freak on a chain
time warp




outskirts are showing

outlook is growing…
she got my rivers all flowing…

her outskirts are showing…



i’ll make a calculator of youA

my ABC

my baby blue

up n atom

n out of order

my sidelined court reporter

tara de poel

she sez it best

we wish you much success

who am i to say?


we broke a new taboo………TODAY

a new numeric

i wish you were a little bit taller… YOYOU nu ,er merit wish we go away

(is this the game?)
(different strokes, same last name)


is this some sorta slang?

the name of the game is…

“stop or i’ll shoot!”


but who am i to say?


i’ll only tell you the truth’’

tkitle of the day

that would be a night

seven sient from heaveh see sienea!!!straightfromgeorgoiapaeeeameeeegppppppppp where we go

had i had a hammer…
a hamburger

i stutter and stammer

had i had a hammer

we’re in this together


i did the runaround

our paths are ill defined

let me be crystal clear

and they call it PATAFIX

get a load a this

used up alla my magic trix

she ax as if i didn’t exist


u heard it here first 

sons of lucifer

t behgan with a burst



ud better believe it!sons

and her breasts were from another dimension

open to suggestion

amd just as it was 

it was anyone’s guess

yea she sure was state of the art

and it was anyone’s guess

put it all to the ‘stress test’

yea, you guessed it

we use the same shampoo

i’m sorry you feel that way…

i take my own advice

i’ll die just like dionysus

i glide just like dionysus

i’m glad you are along for the ride

gimme my glasses

and make me decide

i’m missing my glasses

sorrry to say

the games that we play

we keepa the peece

come meet mister maurice

in case of eemergemcy

i don’t mean to suggest it was another one’s guest

woe bee unto me

like wilderbeast

keepin time \\


it was all a schitck

(but i digress)

(and with every other answer)

(answer yes and spread like cancer..

this is science folks

emsconsced on ,isery

nobody knows it but me

and. i do suppose quite regularly

and if yewe

but what does 

and yet somehow

how NOW brown cow

erfos the novavaojrjopo

kpfa a sdsc                                                           

“here it ciomeshcan you hear te drums


then grand entrance

or so they say

we wouldnt want it any other way

its just logix

and when we get down oon our knees

and everyday we [ray

just go away

dirty deeds dirt cheap

aint the answer

come and pique my curiousity

until they tore it all apart

yea we were ‘state of the art’

many miles apart

my little golden supernpva

elevate this STATE is into 

for we were holy roman soldiersD.

damage done in our days of youth

we wudda tore them all apart

yes we ewre certainly state of the art

and now she’s standing right 

see wee were doimgit right


fight the fight

not tonite

until they took it all away

you gotta learn to relax

mu broken heart 

leads straihgto to you

we’re worlds apart

we speak the truth

and elevate to -art

we start anew…

like a body at rest..

we eventually fall apart

much like a work of art

we try pur very best

u mustn’t

muster up the courage

muddle up

(who told you you could speak this way to me)

(technical amber handbook when CAN i shoot back

eliminate peole a test to see how far theyd go in provlaing gun r

how far they went to prove how right you are

yea yea you the best

release the beast

stop and 

“back to the gulag”


got no time to 2nd guess

take off that dress

and we had no way of knowing…


no way of knowing

you’d better get going…\\







stay here a while

the miracle

read up on the bible

in the weeping 

think diffreently

in the wee wee ehours

o kumba moo meet mister freee

tread carefullly

cruela davil

when will we ever go to sleep

what’s that residing in your head?

my dear brown

o so artificial

ill show up to the place where u work

with my code hammmurai

lets write a fantasy

i hear an ancient Hoo

and a holy roll

i want it all!!!!!!!!




did you see it end ion violence

well whererver ou are

queen of diamonds

by decree i’ll be dead by the 5th of july

couldnt get rid of her

come get ready

get ready for heaven…


short of supply

whatever u lack, now we can buy…

actually ok

wahtaever u wanna do


in and then oput of of autukan 

whataver i. say…..i hope yu complly…….

ponce de leeon

a loada baloney

cheapy n phony

ikl break a treaty of you

2 losers who once got lost

sha sja fruit a da looo da da da


skid row

beings at peace

stations at rest

trying our best

once upon a time

i was almost there

buyer beware

ba bubba buyer bewarer

u heard it here first

tryin to kill somebody….


that’s wat they all say,,,

namaste my ass!

it only goes to show

so now you know

dont you ever let it go!


new snafu

just a new snafu

im telling u

only goes to show

now u kjow


we were always here

even in the thick of it, we’re always here

dare i say?

what once was left for other 

come dissipate with me

to the ninety ninth degree

pick flowers

oversteop our bounadries

after hours

i tiruned my yurnstile down..
(i watched the world go blind)

one million years

for the spirit has broken…


theres this girl

lets call her alice

now hekr now nowher prowess is practically exploding

before they put us to the tete

my mother nature gets no rest

and i can dpppppppppit in MUUUUUb S:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

in act ceece VES]d

i wonder why

it didnt ring

go do your thing

but ever wonder why?


the stunk

shut up

why dont you got a bust of elvis

right at your fingertips

how did we get ourselves depressed?
our mother natures said it best


our mother natures second guessed

sure as the day is long

and just as headstrong

tara De poel

whatrs gotten ihto you

make sum sorta sense

other nother consrqurnce

what were we to do

we offered all our other fences too

we left the farm to you….

somewhere where we don’t belong…



oh honey, i’m home

going to places we do not belong…

so saud cirizen kane

in the november rain

i lost my appetite for you

i’m sure you wudda dug him too

i felt the very same way towards you.,….

bitches brew

im telling you

the wind is at our feet

o now i think they’re really onta ya

we should go get you a harmonica

til next time…

u shuda see

its as if we never knew one another…
you shudda seen shamu…

you know

dont u think i already know

my colors are starting to show

i dont know where to begin….

only gettin older

never any better…

sure as the day is long…

a little too headstrong…

people are cru


twenty 3

down on bended knee

that’s what they call “ad hominem”

just try + relax

just try to faca dee fax

until i call the police

a flock of geese

and that;s what sets me apart
good ole spinoza

you really oughta…
my casanova…

my supernova…

requires a little more concentration…

i dont know what to tell ya

we dont have anything for ya

hey hey

please keep the peace

and that is just bout the closest i’ll get…

as a matter of fact…

as i nuclear react…

straight into a well embroiled day

smack dab smack daddy long legs

just like i knew u wud

she got me feelin GOOD again

just like a young buck should

hooray for hollywood

i watched the world go blind

all combined

theyre gonna have to

pardon me

yes please

i stand corrected

but always in the know

never know whats lurking down below

o so domino

not bad

not bad at all

all creatures great n small

ont be a boloney

be a gavone

outskirts are showingw

leave her alone

be a gavone

keepa da peace

so sayeth 

march on and march  to   the end of


yes i can function alright

test me in the dead of the 

it’s just an ode to the dead of the night

its just on ode to ur deranged

she got me all acting strange…

look at you

so self-assured

come meet my overlord

no one knows

just how far it goes

you don’t suppose

(MAN) shoulda seen shamu

(AND) even back then, we were state of the art

even back then, we were starting to fall apart

he was humble at heart

and they stuck together like glue although they all but knew that they were mi

even back then we were miles apart

from way on back when to the depths of your heart….



eau e coluege

an oif you Better

dont stop til youre glowing

your outskirts are showing

i begin to imbue

a sense of purpose into you

o believe u me


now that you know what we do

and to this day…

i still dont know…

im glad

you feel it too

i’m much inclined to you

well well

well ain’t it swell?

here we are

our mouths afar

i’d admired you from afar

from way beyond and deep below

we all could use 

we all confuse

some will win

some will lose

its all part of the show

secret admirer

i sure cud use a secret admirer too…..

could that secret admirer be you?

u’d better believe it!

take it or leave it…

what is lost by assumption

secretly sharing your pain


permanent stain

sleep on it


now let me sneak a retreat

now give me something to eat


at the peak of my powers

things were never so good

at the height of ambrosia

we knew that you could

i the depths of the 

had a cure for the common cold

until i got tooo ld

o the woe is me

by the break of day

by the light of night..

in her blesed way….

she was gunna hafta p

run along now gemini

read em n weep

go to your church 

stay fast asleep

carly girardee

where we all pretend to pray

each bright and blessed day….

here comes one more roller coaster…

next door neighbor


hasta vista

put your head back in the sand
sorry to say

and thatsJUST the way it goes

sorry to say….

we gotta ind a new tornardo

before we all get blown away

call it threading a needle

and making it hay

(so) let’s say you disobey

find by me

defined by me

i want the WORLD to see

profit the blues

are u reading the news

probably blues


properly used

i give up

just look at all these pretty forks n knives

ole saint ives

just kike duknarii

poppun into perpeutity

let the acri o sine accuuuumulate




empty headed

level headed

born ’n bred





gotta let us know

my world be shakin

like canadian bacon on the border 

4 score

all lined up across your deli door

theres so much more to say, but im gonna say it anyway\



we alll get old

its like a carbon copy

“someone’s gotta say it”

but just what do yew do all day

gess what

theres your answer

lying right smack dab in front of  u’’

o o

woeth me

pains me to say


poor littil

you must be eschew

i need of enema

poor little utica

o poor little me…

now the lines are ascrew….

everytime i try to help things i hurt said things

musta bena miup

foaing at the eas

ive had iit up to here

pie o mie

o mercy mee

old doris day

so much to say

so much for dumb luck


aumulate with yew

hee hee hee hasnt a clue!

and sigh and so the sooth ssaath uryds say

you know you own a home and a 




she flows oh

she wanted EVERYTHING

and you don’t suppose?

fancy a 

we were all smles

as the birds kept chirpin

someone lurki

weird science

little did we know

cock a doodle doo

modus operandi

sir mahatma gandhi

in the serengeti

were the antelopes rest

please all polce

now im rimmomg pitta ppmey

she was so ssusceptible


cold as a vegetab;e


how did i do

and all along my padua knew,,,,

(make it fair n square

uh oh!

i cud see right throu her heatrt

i thoguth that u knew

ill gladly miss another opportunity

again and agagin

(but when all i see are missed opportunieds

try with all of your might

the silent treatment

repeat after me

as yall can (clearly) see

my what a beautiful hoome
yopu can go it alone…
you gotta own up toit

yea. know kara te too

my shangri l;a


dont villify me

i saw you swinging from the famiy tree

from agent A to agent B

i’ve got plenty of time….

as y’all can see

theres only so much to do

before we all go rotten
photos of moira

“what coulda been”
(who cud it be?)
(fo sho!)

photos of moira

if she only knew

and she had SO much to say

this reminds me of italy

( i feel likea villain)

im in for the killin

im payin the billin

i wept for the billions

i suffered in silence

i hoarded the
resorted to violence

good ole violence n vitamin A

may we meet again one day?

maybe this time next week…

truth be told

easy does it

growing oldm

its just a quick QUACK QUACK

and now theres no goin back

why thats a big old dick!

well thats one less duck

well thats yuck yyuck muckety muck

lickety split


growin old never felt so good

just like i knew u woood

i fled to hollywood

i wasted precious time

i tried my very best

and now i feel depleted…

and now i feel cheated….

well how about that?

he hey hey

watever happened to that

whatever ou do

thats where its at

and why we haven’t a clue…

it aint bars

it aint stars

its me that you’re ,issin

likke esmerlelda

hey al u ugly bitches

too big for britches

aint so precious

cmon now 

times a wastin

start creating

start creating

and always remember

just my 1 and only crutch

my longlost lonely night

my 1 remaining vice

the house i used to live

name of next book…

laughing my ass off…

a little 

give it a title.

that’ll do it

that right there

that oughta duet

if i. bre

wait for the axis to oprtat

bare;y barely bare;y om pit

where it lands…

sex sells

sex sells well

i’ll leave my whole year open…pa[er trail ends wth ypi

used tp p



what the hell?

one can never tell

and now there’s no telling how
then how about NoW!

its alll about the….


i cud stil smell her perfume

big bang boomba

as she exits the room….

as she clutches theflame

she refrains to reveal her real name

she has yet to reveal her real name

under threat of suspicion

an act of attrition

the name of the game….

the final refrain…..

one less tradition


hey blair bear

ido not care for u

mariposa mariposa

strike a pose!

blow your nose!

mariposa mariposa

strike a pose

mariposa mariposa

stricken with HEAT

admitting deFEAT

a sense of humor/danger is what we lack

well how about that?

and its a new communion
“a new communion”

as a matter fact

its the biggest church in town

its 6 feet underground…

its 12 pints deep in deep deep sleep


its just a click click click clickity clak

its just a motion in the ocean

ITS JUST A feeling 

(and if she ever knew)tru
(she ever knew it was yew)

scooter cue!

ruby tuesday

o dearest me….

so sayeth u

so speaketh truth

so be it not

just disobey stop motion

only the holiest ghost an

i hope to figure it out

ill help you figure it out

no dont u disobey stop motion

dont show no emotion

only the holiest ghost can

only the holiest ghost can

daddy dont show no emotion

the fevers broken

only the holy ghost can get in


onl;y the holiest ghost can

just go on and meditate…]

make a connetion


dp watever u want


just do whatever u want


yew used me too




may i remind theeeeeeee?

will we EVER really truly disappear

at reer to last 1 mill0-n

you wolll

i’llshe mist

shue must be “other worldly”

when we were 

no nuance will ever do

down below

2 by 2go

i used to love the the 3 th of july

for as long as i remember

i remember……


this is iscarasy i  huresssss but why am i so depressseed

title of the day

“just for the hell of it”

title of the day —>

is that a thing

bastard degree 


obeying every law of (e)motion baby

look what they wanted me to do to you

he really read his deutereonomy


s ss s so semi

socccer chant

racing thoughts

nervous energy


learn to crawl ocean

poor pjysiciststs

(theyll never get IT

they wont regret it

they may just 

how are the oillls supposed to work?

none as excited as u

u came very close

bippity bopppity booo

ill sue you!

is this a jokke!>>!>>

i wet the bed!

oh dea…..

so antithetical

so entitlted

so anti intellectual

melissa elicit 

madony ya

medilla awaken!!!!!

mary lets get equationeed

scultpor weights folllow his rules


sould poroed evert day

souls stolen

played em all for foolls


elicit a reaction

invisible associations

in 1983 it was a lonely day

it was the only day i know

ides of march

tides had turned

doray dayon

blu rY GLUONa

(…and then they wonder Y?)

i want her titties in splendor

a spectacular state of surrender

and then i want her to die


dayon you don’t suppose?

dayan well hear she goes

dayam we watch

we watch her fall asleep

she let the stationary glow

shes just a temporay no…

she called up jesus as police

o YEW again

i thought itdd be just some brand new hooligan

tu again

u look like a hooligan

we thought u knew

ypu again

it’s just the same old you in a brand new hue

(yea i read my deuteronomy too…)
(i think they’re onta me!)
in abandoned

hinkinh of something to say


with my fanny pack todayu

things to do

now the door is slightly broken

thats on u

thanks to you

this goes for each and every 1 of us

(it only goes to show)
(that was then)

now i know…

this is heaven i guesss

bur how do i know

if this is heaven

well rgweb

that the future is in FRONT of us

it’s only there you’ll see

you’ll see your family tree

you’ll see your destiny

and if that goes for you

well then it sure as hell goes for me

we’ve reached our destiny

in the company of strangers…

as we’re left with the remainders

as we glue ourselves to

tell ourselves

only fueling you…

tell us what to do now….


the passage is loud and clear

and where do we go from here…?

and what have you got to say…

and wat will you tell the wind wnhen it blows away…’’

i turn my turnstle down….

(i watch the world go blind)


i didn’t mess around

‘cuz i got plenty o’ time

rest assured i come in peace….


read me the news

don’r get confused


as only you and i will know….

qute content…down below….

i think you know my destination baby…


a whole new direction

whats done is done

point of inflection

benjamin’s gold

and then they took me to victorian skies…

ive had enough of you….subterfuge

whats the difference…pay your dues

an eye 4 an eye

(long live gemini!)

(read em n weep!)

thats when they all came crawling back…

final act of locomotion


rttthew fathen

bric of our lives whwo can denythi

right then

o what became of me today

still i have to say

that it was worth the truth

just as cold as adam carollla

nobody knows it but u

ive got an “adam carolla” and an alibi

nice knowin ya!

that is not for me to says

whell go to elderalger too you shouda seeeeeeen shammoooooa

my jimmy kimmel

ever present


headed guy

and she just so happens to run the company im trying to buy

we’ll all go to adaloine

at ut akibe agaub

feeling like aformer version of spurious friend

onlky the holiest ghost can

real time

hey you

genetic component of homophobic father incentive to pass tttalong genes

hey joe rogan



my mind is crystal clear

let me be crystal clear

til polyanna falls alseep

fast asleep

take one good loook in the mirror

how a bout good ole tim buk tu

get next to you

i must confess

that if what you say is true

well then i’ve really made a mess

not 1 to wonder…

prepare to TIK TOK’

maybe in a million years…..

i will need to see a receipt….

task it complete

oops podcast

francis ellis

barstool sports

and just when kingdom come

leave will enough alone

i cud do this in my sleep

click and hit repeat

and return to form…

run into the very nexhy rock

up until that day she stayed so far away,,,,

my village green,,,,

my sweet christina…

my harvard square….

i call you on and on this ho

melissa thomas

fiesta fiesta


ain’t no body no!

wave form


and i will see you in 1 thousand years

(i’m like a noble explosion)

(i’m liking a noble explosion…)

**a better expression

*i’m always keepin’ ‘em guessin’


(you don’t fool me)
(i feel your energy

although you don’t fool me, i feel your energy,,,,,

help reassume my goal

help save my soul

deep freeze

radio silence

re-assume control…

help me save my soul…

you and naomi

know me all 2 well…

so don’t kiss + tell…

don’t lose that sense of smell

trust your gut……


help u with co ordination

just the man i plan

i think that i can handle the 

my mona lisa

“that’s what i call tantric sex”

we did our best

 for a litttle while….

so shut up ad smile,…

a little late but pray do tell…

3 december 2022

my signature stare

it was a snarl

she wAS A SCAR

i was her gentle reminder

that we all know who you are…

make me a millionairre

and it cud very well cost me career….story of

the real estate donkey

don qyiohpooteaayyyyyy

lwassszzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee m ooooooooo dko do do od do do do


dont u know?

hauer shouts


NO DIABLO!!!!!!!!

thar shee blows!


this i know

pick a winner

subliminal sinner

“it began with a ’T’”

a “tee”??



good ole doris day

you don’t fool me

not when i’m trying to concentrate

it’s the only thing i do

to get through to you

soon we’ll be swimming in it…

any minute now….

who what where and how

it’s the only way i know what not to say

and the silence agrees with me…

*into ‘daytime nighttime suffering;*

because sooner or later, we face our enemy clear as day my dear stay right there. i’ll be right here…



snao out oif it it 

so they say….

ruin her career

famously flopped…

we’ll be OKo by the way

how do you cure MS?

and what are its fx on (the SIZE of) your breasts?

“the cancer song”

captain jack

heart attack

you’ve been going back to where you don’t belong…

“the cancer song”

i turn my sundial down

(i watch the world go blind)
(computer vocodor voice)

i took a look around

(our paths are intertwined…)


i turn my sundial down….

and then i hit REPEAT!

(your work is done…)

(the order is complete)

(now take a seat)

(the war is won)
(your work is done)

(now take a seat)


had i known

(and now i’m all alone…)

saul tis sco lee oh cis

(i think they call it ‘cirrhossis’)

(i hear he explodes)


i can hear him from here!

whats this all about?

“A Creature with a Dream”

she had me plugged into a voodoo scene…

did she do…the same…to you…(this dame)

she shall remain nameless

dumnly doo

this feever dream


and if this claim is (proven) true, 

here it comes again

o the woe is me

take it from me

rtue to form….

well you know me……….


just sufferin

sufferin suck a tash’

suck on that’

“too much information”

(i turned my sundial down…)

checkin in at your local cemetary seminary cenutiries….

(into “sunset king”)

“i don’t wanna get too wet….”

“i hope i won’t say i regret….”

“i can’t say that i do….”

“o so sayeth you….”

“so the soothsayer…”


she’s like my favorite pair o’ sizzers

long n lean…

this wont hurt a buit

u wont feel a thing

(what’s it to you?)
(you seem surprised)

(she seemed so exasperated…)

(from the look in her eyes)

meme sunday

with my dick in hand

with a dose of


links the great divide

daily dose of 

as we searc for collective truth

but what’s a man to do….?

i cd=ud feel it comin on



i cud hear it in her voice…

…see it in her smile…

creature black lagoon

what is make u leave so soon

never felt so misdirected





there u have it foks!


I CAN ALREADy see what is abot tto happen


so soon she’ll say to me….

slowly but surely

it snuck up upon me….

my mama don’t want me…


hey technologist

this one’s on us

emoji clusters

excuse me miss naomi

nice to know ya….

all i saw was APPLE SAUCE

yea my thoughts turned red

i’m long since good as dead

all i


eating her curds and wey/hey

wishing they would go awa

til thet all came caroling

hey hey mama

cheryl lynn\

til they all came crawlong

“baby mama”

i wish you well

i wish you were mine

zero outro

come as no surprise to you


love gun

trade for the goo

trader joe for the glorious goo

the power and the glory

bella miscusi

may i be excused

bella misuse me

dont mean to be rude

do not accuse me of spoilin yer food

paddle on too





o these poor people!

primordial ooze!!!!


not see


you can feel it in the golden streams

blowing it down to simitheeens

feel it in the social scenes

wait for it in dead of night

how can 1 man be soon dumb

ive alreadyt committed

no matter who been

these sickle cells feel

all went down the drain

now we´ll never know for sure

same as always as before

and as we seek a safe release

and we prepare ourselves a feast

,ets get this party started


doin the 

how can one man be so dumbÞ

and as we´re putting you to sleep

and as my will becomes

beanth these shitty city treaats

beneath these welll worn

seems the other shoe somehow dropped

as if to say,,,, <

as a jokee

blow smoke

she said it best

crack cocainne

as the need;e in in her overaries

hypothethetcil sun

the wars been won

for even in our ears

graduallu re apppear

starting to swirl

power on connected



i heard that artie farted

i thought i had it allnodouboe down boooozin

rreptilian ree ree fow show

then she 


,’the word

ward off 

nbany listenwae


themy mona lisa sees no p;eace 


all the way 2 tim buck tooo turrar ;oooooooo

tombstone tuesday

o lucky me

on a good day

“my tooth decay”

aging grace;lesslly

wat silly litttle unencunmmberered me

run for cover

no one knows her

my will will be fulfilled

honey trick or treat

im about to blow uop balloon
sundial down
i seek Aa sweet release



how you do

over on the avenue

over under

i stuck my neck out for her

id be a fool not to

happy hballoween


national treasures

sara boone

holy ghosts


i bet it did

danny coury

turned it all into poundcake

all catatonic on train trax


“holy moses!”

“lucky yew!”

“1 wiff of her sweet perfume…”

taki g

takung a vow


what. awhat

what a scary looking boy

youre gonna hate him

beaten 2 pulp



mysole exception

my solar inflection

my different direction

my brand new addition

my brand new obsession

gonna hafta pat her down tooo


oph so over-exposed!!!!

hrew me in paddy wagon tooo

come craw

gonna hafta pat her down

thumbmy nose up at ou

o baby

good look

one last look at my irisih oousin

walked in in dungareee

in her undies

do the dishes’

“gift of lif”

i’m glad i found out

i kinda alwas knew how to do……

all came crawling!!!


prety ballerina too….

still i beauty pageant




spit out


“gift of life”

“the load i’m dropping on youtthrew

this aint no club drug

but why would you do such a thing?

i hope no one will notice

“lotus notes”

in all of her splendor

she was a dancer

you dont stand a chance

victim of the circumstancial chance

call the police!!!

it might have been a manniken

but whose to know

whose to know

what to say

it might have been a 

of the N C double A

“hear what the man gotta say….”

from dumble door i ran

take me as i am

any way u can


pretty little marionette

how quickly we forget….

sbe longs to be realeased



someone grabbbing my gun

i smell a rat



much like marie antoinette

how quickly we forget

what hasn’t happened yet….

to somehow find a day….

modus chrome

she didn’t even notice…

she seemed so eager

sweet cecilia


ours stars

let it charge


i can assure you i’m quite at peace with myself.  you can stop pretending to ‘hope’.  the negative comment took me seconds to write and it was only because the sponsored post annoyed me.  there are too many people “trying their best” and harsh criticism is a way of tempering this trend.  it doesn’t take any time away from me working on my own music.  if you told me my music sucked, i wouldn’t care because it doesn’t suck.  you can point out my low engagement but i wouldn’t care either.  only when your music genuinely sucks would a negative comment hurt you.  untalented people who post their music obviously feel way too good about tbemselves so i don’t feel bad.  i’ll get ba ck to my emusic now.  i hope you’re well

o naomi

don’t you know me

now i’m never coming back

nice and easy

take it slow

time to nuclear react

dont need no jagged edge


the stench was atrocious

no need

owes nothing to me

something to see

somwewhere a 

soon we will see

you seen nothing to me

i dont do it for you

to tell yothe truth

what happened to the kast

heere i am

did u miss me?jjjj


on my own here we go

ihinkin that i kinda like it’

inward with the show

but just so yew know

i sow the seeds of peace

i beg to be releawsed’this happanes eery day

i merely sow the seeds before i send them on their way

my mona lisa on display

every single day


tune in

to night

at least u got that right

hoply shit

kid wont quit

until my will will find a way

will will fly……

alll that is left of me

take out the best of me


my mona lisa 

rest in peace

is deceased….

good old fashioned way…

(my DNA)

just like dynamite

(blowin up)

heart desire

girl sreammmmmmmmmmmm

what we didnt know

was just how good

didnt treat you like i should…

(my mona lisa ran away)

beneath these city streets

my west virginia found a way

her demons 

the crosss

magic pootion

symptioms of an underlying

whose to say

blues clues got in the waygggggggJ\

what remains a mystery to this day

the very day to sue for peace….

i know her elders went away….

she played pee ano to the beats

until that beast was led astray

lying dormant

my mona lisa ran away….



(thanks charlie!)

saint nick


i wanted to introduce my own “cardinal rule” for future dialogues

feel free to propose your own “cardinal rules”

if i tell you something doesn’t bother me, don’t ever say again that it bothers me

if i say something “doesn’t bother me”, NEVER again say that it “bothers me” when referring to it

when you use that phrase when i ask you not to

you are telling me how i am thinking

it makes it sound like i am “hung up on it” and the onus is on me to “get over it”

what remains

i am not saying these things because they “bother me”, i am saying these things because they need to be said in order to move forward

when you respond by saying “i know it still bothers you” it is infuriating

likewise, if i tell you i am not “hurt” by something

leave it at that

don;t tell me i “really am” hurt by something

that’s you thinking for me

i don’t know how many times i have to repeat this

if i say i’m pissed at someone for something

don’t tell me i’m actually just “really hurt”

but not admitting it

that infuriates me

if i tell you i got pissed off because someone said something negative about my music

acccept the fact that i was pissed off

not that i was “really hurt by it”

implying that i was actuallly “hurt” by an insult is actually insulting me by saying you KNOW that what i’m REALLY thinking to myself is “he’s right.  maybe my music does suck”

that is NOT what i am thinking internally

what i am thinking internally is “how dare they try to give me their bullshit opinion.  let me teach this person a lesson by turning the tables on him/her and show them what being ;hurt’ really is”

the same way that you aren’t “hurt” by uncle tony talking negative about you

i am not “hurt” by a person telling me my music sucks

i am an extremely self-confident narcissist

if we actually went to therapy and wasted thousands on it, i already know what the therapist would say

that i have narcissistc personality disorder

there is no cure

cheryl lynn:



and that what really everyone else should bbe doing is avoiding the narcissist, not trying to “help” him rid himself of his mental illness

thats why therapy is bullshit

when i bring up trump

i thought u both would be smart enough to realize the same dynamic

it wasnt out of left field

when MSNBC says trump is mentally ill and narcissistic, it just means that they hate him and want to discredit him

not that they actually are concerned for his mental well-being

they are framing it to fit their narrative

i feel the same way when you say i need therapy

my understanding about what “being hurt” means is this

if i said to michael anthony or emily that “you both are just 2nd rate versions of your parents”

i think that “hurts them”

because i picture them interally thinking to themselves “maybe he’s right”

and then i feel bad about saying it

if they told me music sucked, i would not be “hurt”

i would be pissed

you can’t “hurt” a naricissist

that’s our superpower

trump is not “hurt” when the media trashes him

that’s why people like him

jesus was not “hurt” when his apostles didn’t stick up for him

that’s why people love him and are inspired by him

he had an inner strength

so do i

so does trump

and i suspec both of you can’’t be “hurt” either

take it as a compliment

and leave it at that


cheryl lynn:

Noted thank you for sharing. Roger

Joe Gatti:

That’s a good narrative 


just to clarify

mom, is your response “noted. thanks for sharing” in the “tone of”….

noted (“let’s move on, and i’m kinda annoyed he still seems hung up”)

or “noted” (im glad we got that out of the way, lets all move foward and im genuinely thankful for him sharing”

dad, by “narrative”, do you mean “narrative” as in “yes joga is right that we are framing things in our own narrative, because thats the “narrative” that he should share”

or “agreed….we all have rights to our narratives and respect the others persons inner narrative and expect they do the same”

(sorry, the only advantage of “spoken word” is that includes a tone modifier

but that “tone modifier” comes at expense of misunderstanding based on mishearing the tone

written word protects against that, but also opens up possibility of misunderstanding an altnernate word meaning that would require a tonal component to indicate meaning

cheryl lynn:

noted means I am genuinely thankful for your sharing and I absorbed it


i overanalyze everything, but’s that’s why i got a 650 on verball SATs

IQ is just recognizing patterns and abstravtion layers




Joe Gatti:



and ryan fitzpatrick got an 800

and the only perfect score on the wonderlic test they use to measure football IQ

but he never won a super bowl

and he’s hurt that tom brady won’t shake his hand

i wonder what tom brady got him his verbal SATs

cheryl lynn:



🤨 Face with Raised Eyebrow

Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with a flat, neutral mouth and furrowed eyebrows, its left raised higher than its right. Conveys a wide variety of sentiments, including suspicion, skepticism, concern, consideration, disbelief, and disapproval.

Its expression has notably been likened to the signature look of comedian Stephen Colbert as well as actor/wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Face with Raised Eyebrow was approved as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017 under the name “Face with One Eyebrow Raised” and added to Emoji 5.0 in 2017.

skepticism, i assume?

fitzpatrick probably isn’t ‘hurt’ either, he probably has inner strength too

cheryl lynn:

Wondering about tom brady’s scores that is all



he didn;t win any super bowls but he’s done better than anyone from harvard in the NFL

and he has a harvard degree and raiseed 12 children and grew a beard

brady probably wasn’t ‘hurt’ that people dismissed him in the NFL combine

its why he won all those super bowls

i didnt win any super bowls nor do i have a supermodel wife/children but fitzpatrick cant play jimi hendrix guitar solos but i bet he wish he could

and i bet tom brady wouuld be given even more respect if he had a harvard degree

gannon makes just as much money as you but i bet hed be respected a lot more if he had a columbia degree

maria bartiromo makes more money than mom

but she didn’t raise 3 children and is probably empty inside

maybe.you didn’t get a “return on invesment” for paying for my harvard degree

but you do get the respect of other parents who raised a son that was able to get ionto harvard and then after that, any failing was my fault and didn’t reflect poorly on your parenting

john mayer has more fans thanme, but if he heard me sing he’d know i’m singing with more soul than him even if american idol doesn’t agree and people ignore my music, more popular doesn’t mean better, and there’s niothing you can say to me that will make me doubt that i am not the greatest fucking singer alive and every day people told me that as i busked

they just got distracted and never kept up following me on social media only because i’m lost in a haze of mediocirty

but every day when i busked, at least once every night a beautiful girl would give me a huge hug and tell me that i just got them over an anxiety attack when they heard me

berautiful girls don’t give compl;iments like that unless its genuine

because if a beautiful girl gives any man a copliment, she knows from experience that he will very likely immediately start pursing her

so her compliments are genunine

i can’t help it that once she got bak to her computer, my social media was lost in a sea of mediocirty

i wish other people would share my music on social media, not asingle fuicking person ever does

except for me

and thats why it doesn’t get credibility

id love for just once mike or emily to share my music with their friends on facebook

that has never happened one


if i dont get instagram likes i cant book a show anymore, even the smallest venue

its an easy way to see your draw if venue an look at your instagram stats

the problem is , every fucking single middle aged failure musician is now on social media promotoing their ignored music

and clogging the pipelines

people like that idiot charles wallert arent “helping anyone

they’re about to die and be forgotten enirely

thats why the guys making a documentary about himself

and the only advice that he can possibly offer me is to tel me do social media tricks i already know

its pathetic

that’s why im nasty to other musicians on social media, i sink their ships

their friendsa and family ALWAS share their music

thats the only reason they get booked and i dont

they have no inner strength

the same way i t showed you guys deniis giamo’s music profile was to show you his inner narrative

and thats why i would never send him something nasty about his music even if he is delusional about how good he is

he has a right to his inner narrative

if you look up his music website he makes it sound like he has a fanbase

if i told him he sucked, he’d believe it and be hurt by it

even if he didn’t outwardly say it

thats the differene…thats why i wouldnt send him a “reality check” about his music

i would only do it to someone who i believe is a deluded narcissist

like most rappers

another example is my beef with jeff taylor

if i told him his music sucked, it would not hurt him

he probably wouldn’t even get pissed

and i have the inner confidence to not say that

it would make me look insecure

he is a great singer and extremely talented

you can hear it as soon as he starts sining

like me, he deserves way more recognition

i would not be ‘hurt’ if he told my music sucked

and i know he respects the hell out of me even if he doesn’t say it…but we are not seeking each others approval

we are competitors

im not even sure if he has inner strength, but i do no that every single one of his family friends share his social media posts all the time

and he really oesn’t even perform that much, no more then once a month

in his head hes already “made it”

he is surrounded by people who kiss his ass and even if he plays small venues, those venues are packed

im a fan of his music….he may not be a fan of mine but he certainly respects it

but i dont need his respect

what i needed was to network with in the music industry

that should have been him…but he has no inner strength

if i came into the fold, even if we are no “better” than each other, you can be sure he would get less attention

john lennon trashed paul on a routine basis in public

whenever he did that, it reflected poorly on him and showed his insecurities

but paul wasn’t “hurt” by that

like jeff taylor, from the second he starts singing you realize that he is extremely talented

they also have very similar personalities

paul never stooped to insulting john back, in fact he’d usually respond by complimenting him and expressing a genuine admiration for johns talents

he didn’t need johns approval, he didnt mind being billed 2nd even if he was clearly more musically talented

(at least not until recently, now he has no inner strength and wants things to be rewritten mccartney/lennon for his songs)

(that attitude usually goes hand in hand with his declinng vocal abilities, which in his prime gave him all the confidence he needed

the reason the beatles worked is that john, despite his insecurities, allowed paul to join the band

john was originally surrounded by sycophants who worshipped his talents

not as much as paul maybe, but john lennon is also extremely talented

and it is evident from the second he starts singing

when he met paul, paul showed him how to properly tune his guitar

paul was impressed that jon had the confidence to sneak in curse words to songs they were covering

as john himself put it, he had to make a choice then to either set aside his own ego and improve the band

or continue being surrounded by his untalented friends who worshipped him

and he made the right choice

if jeff taylor and i started a band together, it’d be beter than the beatles

hed rather be surrounded by sycophants, i was not huert by this but i recognized his insecurity

i eve nhumbled myself initially by just oiffering to play guitar

after john made the right choice, paul made a right choice

paul was a few years younger than jon and thought jon was cool

george was a year younger than paul and looked up to pal


paul and george were friends first because they were the only 2 students who were totally into the rock music movement

the same way paul is a natural musical talent, he was also clearly the best instrunentalist in the band

the best beatles guitar solos were all actually played by paul

in the studio

george was not as naturally talentad as paul on the guitar

but still way better than 99%

when they played an early show, paul was intially lead guitarist…when it came time for his big solo, he totally choked

as made as me forgetting how to throw a baseball

it was embarassing

george was a little cooler under pressure

george could execute solos better live

instead of being intimidated by george, he made the right choice and let george join to make the band better

their first bass played was a sycophant of john, stu sutcliffe

he didnt know how to play bass, it held them back

paul decided to switch to bass, even though it was the least glorified instrument

even though he was more than capable as a guitarist

at their first decca auditon, they got rejected because pauls voice kept cracking on high hotes and george kept flubbing his solos

they were genuinely terrible in the audition…most it due to them being up all night to drive there to the studio

they blew it

another record exec with george martin gave them a second chance,

who went on to become their main producer

he wasn’t impressed either

this time paul and george hit all their marks

but their drummer sucked

and was holding them back

they fired “pete best” and brought in ringo who was the local best drummer

even then, they were about to be rejected by george martin

he thought paul was good singer, but the rest sucked

but george cracked a joke at the audiotn

and shoed george martin the chemistry these 4 guys shared

like matthew mark luke and john

the rest was history

they became bigger than jesus

and jon wasnt afraid so say it

both john and puals mothers died when they were teenagers

pauls mom died first, of breast cancer

when he was 14

he was probably devastated but outwardly he did not seem devastated

johns mother died when he was 17

run over by a train

the beatles were the “4 horsemen” in the ‘book of revelation’

“the best is yet to come”


(better than the ‘bugs’)

“hmm” (sez arv)






until matilda goes to sleep…..

gets her rest

jim brewer

i have a premise!!!!!!


turn on the TV

turn on the television

looking for trouble

a medial disorder

all for show

meant for me

hersehl walker

hershey fudge pack it in

she come comin for ou

pakled up

don debbie onow



she was a unpopular tooo

she went to the pi,plins

breaking bread

interce[t destiny

loaded with vitamin C

turn the tables on you

just ne a gentlemen

at your local rotaknow the costmy myry

sorry yto say

im afraid ive got a wandering eye


they call it terminal velocitypadddle

i knew it alll alobg

i knew it was the time


frank summers

the lonely person

i turned my sndial dowb

no more nosy neighbors

you dont suppose

or so u say

what was your first tohgout

if you can’t remember, guuess

damsels in distress

looking pretty dis

we thought u knew

2 – i did too!

aint that sweet

stain my sheet

leave me in a state of [ermanent disarray


obey the laws of loco motion

(as only the holiest ghost can

game show

howd it get so dirty

leaving her in mosery

o so you say

no no today

acatterbrain blues


up to u

prepare to meet your maker

vickie baker

my funny valentine

it will not go away

and i won’t be led astray

look wats in our way,….

making room

for future shining stars

pretend the world is ours

(and every now + then, our hearts require

our hearts inspire

o so misteri o so

so u say….

pour me one more glass of chardonnay

keepin alll my demons at bay


leavin us in disarray

the classix

got a one track brain

and that is why i know

but i cannot quite complain

symptoms of an inner peace

demons all lying in wait

waiting to be released

well at least we

take up sace

waste of space


til the day that you’re replaced

look just like you

my balalalaika

my petra stroika

mmmy tumbalina



(*the look-a-like”)

(meet me at the ‘tilta whirl’…tonight)

(and be prepared to fight)

much like ma

much to see

avert them alll

all required isan oxygen

thats to say

plain to see

stay away

like a well oiled machine

like an orwellian design

“sister elixir”

come meet my little sister

that wasnt harvard u foool

“i had no choice…”

it’s all in your head…

at least he tried…


self-inflicted suicide

given into superstition

bow down and listen

speakin true enotion

one more decision

defying one more motion


i can take it from here

you almost made  front page news




(and you can)

you’dont suppose i could borrow some shoes

have u read the reviews


kindergarten ooze

its feels a little weird

its been 16 years since we re-appeared

well fought

well thought


willfully oblige

behind my prying

beyond my prying eyes

before we roll the dice…

peer review

subjecttop peerreview



dontgetsnappy sith me

“carlos mencia” / “tim dillon”

3 cheesra and shell lift u up

what’s beyond those lyin eyes

is a plea for peace…

just another mercenary on a mission in the ‘middle east’

so said the first to least….

prepare the feast…..

“tony numnuts”

he hates your guts


spill your…

final fanasy

absolutely 1st of class

our next door neighbor grew up so fast…

knowing we could never repeat….

cuz once we,,,,

waste your life..

trying in vain…

to keep ev eree thing the same…

“just like yesterday”

she my one stop gun shop
listening to your bell bottoms

i can hear em ring

i can hear ‘em being rung

i smelll a rat


soon you’re gonna hear a gun

cover your ears

will recover in years

so us hoelle

so sayeth u

alll the resta u rasta men

making me tjink


in the blink of an eye of the nearest neighborhood guy

mister authoritry

weird science

what an atrocity that was

sure did

but did u,,,,

sure did!

now put a lid on it

once it all fallas in your lap

like a pudding

take all 

trekking suicidal being

intangible being

dont rush in

russian balloons

sign of the ties

sorry to say

sure;y u stray

if u wannt nudding 

taking  all kinds fo crap

whipping boy

what do u do when your shit doesnt stink

where do u go when both your 

where do you go when both your friends and your foes

go slowly extinct? 😭

hour glass



hour glass

calabas sauce

thats what we live for

a poermanet state of bliss

thats what we aim for

beginning all over agains


power concentrated…

…this is ‘david’…’nod’…

into lorna “this is so bizarre….”

just to think

we almost made it

over step 

give me time to think about it

most inclined to

“you know who you are”

much to my eelight

she said it besrt

she never second guessed

may i remind you

do you have the flu

my cue

this is so bizarre




to my mandetta

daddy showin no emotion

only the holiest ghost can….


she treats me like a vegeatble

rotting away

last son of sam

at least that’s what the brahmin told me…

cant change whi u am

we kept our cows grass fed

as our empire bled

so we looked to the east

preparing the feast



i watched the world go blind

designing systems unaware

all but mine

and when miss moses goes to sleep….

break bread with me

can i get $50 ‘sour diesel’?

(i have $60 for surcharge)

i’m @ ‘1804 saint john’s place’ / brooklyn / NY / 11233



my fundamental forces down below
my nova scotia…

i hear her engines roar…
do it

i hi=ope its only all for show



i hope she only plays for keeeps…..

my one and only…..


pretty good hobgoblins too

wmy witty reparteee

what ifs

greetings from a dead end man

with the mater race and a master plan

i heard he was good with his hands

lockin her up

tearin her down

interrupt the laws of motion

he smells like turoentine to me

o just u wait and seee

he was music to my ears

he set my spirit free

long loive the beast!

he brought out the est in me


all of the horses being bred in tennesseee

until we put it alll to rest

do ray me

and if it shud ever falll apart

dont b;ame me

all in 1



shes still a mystery to me

my eternal 

my RAY par TAY

go tit for tatt

how bout that?

illl be in my way

and i can see it now

our lives are intertrwineed

twas i?\

britisih gent



come build a pyramid with me

and let us get u rest…..

and i didnt even hafta pay

guess im the crem brulay

and may he rest in peace……

i watch the worlds combine

i turn the enegine down

o how i love to watch her squirm

like a little worm

the ass

can i play it on my mandolin

eezy eeeee

cpuodnt be….

but yea……\

please please sweet louise


dead meat



come ollecct

come collecting

come build a pyramid with me




all that energy behind the scenes

the ways and means

and they were so depressed



it was a measly piece of [izza

but i digresss




soilling blood in a golden cup

lick right up


kurt met zzsker

burt kry shure

but theylll olight right up

(is there anybody out thtere?0-

im giving credit where credits due

he helped build me up and 

(sum will never know)

(sum will be unforeseen

i turned my sundial down 

i watched the world rewind

no no

no more of those ten cent whores for me!

they wonr be 

the chubbies

description so unkind

“that being said…”
(the day i turned the corner)

pick a winner


hubba hubba!

what a wonderful prize

right before my prying eyes

she made me feel complete….

o meeo meeo me

like a pizzeria

o me o my

she tastes just like a slice of pizza…

(o meeo mio … o pizzeria….)

(i turned the sun dail down)

(i watched the clocks rewind)


and when the sun bows out

just when she seemed so


and we infected an entire generation…

by a process of elimination…

we sent our best to early graves and kept the cavemen as our slaves

and finally laid our body down

and let the spirit rest…

table of contents

just pour me more vitamin A….


(“here comes the sun…”)





greand on

spins a web of deceit

(as ure as florence….night/day)

(malking it a hait now


“romeo and juliet”

and spreadin like an eagle

aint no need to sanctify

ain’t no troublel, only wonderin why…..

my will will not treat

sure as a storyboard


(i watch the sun go down 1 final time…)

(upon these bloody beaches)

*cut to ‘d-day’ foreafthers theme*

(‘fraid so!)

*til next time!*








’ll always be 

along comes OBS….

and to our spirits true….

just curious

she made me so furious

she put my faith straight to the test

(she made me so furious)

she led my ‘consciousness astray’…

(…til we were ‘all grown up’…)

(and we was blown away…)

(she put my faith straight to the test…)

(she made me so curious…)


“god only knows”

*’til next time…*

‘fraid so!

w 😘




why hello miss romeo!

say hi to ‘mister s’…

even if she does’t know

she still says yes

(she put my body to the test…)

(she made me furious….)

she aint given no indication

“i turn 

i turn my sundial down…

i watch the world rewind….

i keep my spirit up….

she leads me from behind…

i’ll have to drag her down….

she’ll spill all my dirty secrets

snaking down…..

allow my poor reptilian brain to respond in kind…

(i turned my sundial down…)

(i watched the world go blind…)

(i stumbled to the shore…)

(i heard the engines roar…_)

(i kept my spirits up…)

(i will respond in kind….)
(i turned my sundial down…)
(i watched the world go blind)

i stumbled to the shore…
i heard an engine roar…>

i followed river galileee….

i i stumbled to the shore….

(i turned mty sundial downl…_

(i watched the world go blind…)

(i stumbled to the shore…)

(i heard the engines roar)

(i felt the fire from the distance)

(so i responded in kind)

(i turned the sundial down…)

(thats enough for the day)




come fill my perfect circle

be the refereee

to my steven urkel

sweet my oscar road

rober road

suckin in the serpentine



and someday

interest might accrue

na ma stay

(“i know i may sound retarded”)

like the stinky…

like the stinky

….fart in the night

it had no sound nor sight

so what gives it the right?

to stink up you

o, do you suck too???

and this will be the final 


i’m telling you…

now that you’ve learned your lesson…

…who’s teachin who?

(i make the world wake up)

(i let my mind rewind)

(i turned the clocks around…)

(i freed a teenage mind…)

i hope my teenage mind…

responds in kind…

cuz i’ve prepared a feast…

where 16 virgins help you rest in peace….

they’re lying at your feet…

they’re sleeping in the street…

you never paid them mind…

we were leading from behind,…..

“the races”

“silly faces”

(working title:)

*i guess that’’s what they call “stop motion”*

(the holy (g)host…)

the magic potion….

my final homemade valentine….

will finally set my spirit free…..

and i will finally rewind…

(i watched the world go down…)

(i tried to build it up)

(i made a shattered glass…)

(into a “homemade cup”….)

(and now i use it as an excuse…)

(to lift my spirits)

(that holy spirit lifts me up)

(i watched the world go down..)

(i tried to build it up.,..)

(i turned my world around…)

(i set my spirit free)


*that;ll all for today folks”

“hemingway once said something about not getting hung up about writing down all your ideas for fear of forgetting some briiliant thought.  use it an excuse to live another day and pout a cap ofn what you try to accomplish in a single day or else you will just always beat yoursekf up for not reachingf potential on a daily ba


minsky made mincemeat of me

havent u heard?

now do u see?????

the glory of a frighteneed train

freightin treain

frightin train

in the

skin n bones

aunt ginnie’s theme

remember all of your


im not an animal

remember to leave the sticky scene in peace

and beat a fast retreat

ma ma ma

ma foo man chu

we’ll make the circle jerk…..

we’re really glad u came……

iwe squirted out the  mendelevian

we put ourselves to sleep

end in a crash

all equilateral

white wine

red wine,…..


amnd go it goes

the very day i chose to play

let them go their merry way

weave daffodils from hay

and in between

light up the screen

you shoulda heard her scream….

my my sweet oueewEEEasy vbreezy

you oolook like u coud lose a few…..












all eyes on me

chew me a new one

frdrtvr yo be eviscreated

i bite my lip

i cant bring myself to say….

that jagged edge

desrve to be a evi

prepare to be eviscerated

blade serrated jagged edge

replaced with hard earned praise

kinda like catching a wave…..

go surfin

til i show up

right on time

i make the clocks rest

i watched the world rewind…..

i lit a cigarette

come tease me to an early grave

come tease me on cartesian plane

let my level headed 

easily impressed


but you are breaking my ocncetraton

and times a wastin…..


gavin newsome

“my parents didn’t like me!”

cuz that;s what gentlemen

if u werere a genuine gentleman

i feel sorry for you

i really feel sorry for you

sorry to say

if you 

dead meat

my perastroika…..





she seemed highly unusual

im highly unusual toooo

more unusual than u

maybe even…..

til the go down

ill drag the pendulum down

marriage on the rocks

future not so sweet


blinbd menq

cjhill of the spine


the shot in the dark

csend a chill up the spine

do me a favor, 

“do me




aint no alili

ease my aribi


aint no alibi

robert johnson on the run

on the lam

run outta town…,….


emerges ftom the cage

dont e oease my robbwer


professor plumancient philosopjy

long as you

fight for me

mee and my memory

my final enemy




















👈👈👈 ☜ *“YESTERDAY”*


*“TOMORROW”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈 ☜ *“LAST YEAR”*


*“NEXT YEAR”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“TODAY’S DATE ”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥