-as of [2 MAY 2024]



*26 SEPTEMBER 2023*



today i attempted to embed my ‘twitch chat panel’ as a widget in my site’s right sidebar

(theme – MH MusicMag)


i copied the embed code via ‘share button’ on my twitch channel —>


followed by instruction “be sure to fill in the placeholder with the site you want to embed Twitch on!”


i assumed that meant i replace “www.example.com” with “www.kingdomofjoga.com”.

however, that only resulted in a ‘broken widget’ on the sidebar


when i returned to the ‘customize widget sidebar’ screen, i got the message —>

“Your theme has 13 widget areas, but this particular page does not display them”

“You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages”


meanwhile, the widgets ARE being displayed on this ‘particular page’ but i have no way of editing/removing them.

to make matters worse, all of my site’s images stopped loading.

bluehost unsurprisingly told me there was nothing they could do and that i should find a developer to handle the problem.

in browsing the forums, i’ve noticed that the ‘disappearing sidebar edit function’ has been a problem for many users but i couldn’t find anyone who solved it.

any guidance appreciated…🙏TIA🙏







Before integrating the Twitch chat panel, you would like to bring the site back to normal

For this, deactivate all the plugins and see if this makes any difference

If it does, you can activate these one-by-one to check if any of these is causing problems.

If it doesn’t help, try switching to any of the default themes that come with WordPress



For your widget issue, these widgets are features of your active theme.

Since you’re using the paid/commercial version of the MH Musicmag theme, WordPress support volunteers here aren’t able to install it and help you figure this out


For one thing: I see several instances of this error from Twitch.tv in my browser’s developer console when I view your site’s homepage, but I’ve no idea if it’s related to the problem you’re experiencing or not:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429 (Too Many Requests)


Kindly get in touch with your theme’s vendor to have them look into this for you.

They built and sold the theme, and they should be in the best position to help you fix a problem with their commercial product.


MH Themes support page: https://mhthemes.com/support/


For your image issue, it seems you’re using the JetPack plugin to handle your images, as I see all your images are being served from “https://i0.wp.com subdomain rather than from your own domain (WP.com = WordPress.com, the parent company that owns the JetPack plugin).

I also see, in addition to the src attribute pointing to the correct images, all the images also have an srcset attribute pointed to a 1px x 1px inline data URI:


And as the srcset attribute has higher superpowers than the src attribute, all you’re getting is the 1px by 1px dots in place of all your images.

How do you resolve this?

I can’t say if it’s the JetPack plugin that’s ultimately causing the problem or some other plugin, but since it’s JetPack that’s serving the images on your site, that’s where I would look first.

Here’s the JetPack support forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack/

Good luck!















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥