-as of [26 JUNE 2024]




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*to bring ‘sketch window’ to front* —>

[COMMAND] + [OPTION] + [CONTROL] + [ = ]

(press again to send ‘sketch window’ to back)









Chapter 21: Pro Tools Sketches

Pro Tools Sketch is both a free application for iOS on iPad and a window within Pro Tools (all tiers)

Pro Tools Sketch is essentially a clip launcher that lets you create and mix audio clips, MIDI clips, virtual instruments, and audio effects in a non-lin.ear environment, and arrange them into Scenes and Arrangements

In Pro Tools, the Sketch window provides the same functionality as the Sketch app but with the additional ability to drag and drop audio and MIDI clips, Scenes, and Arrangements between the Sketch window and a Pro Tools session

You can share Sketches between the Pro Tools Sketch app and the Sketch window in Pro Tools (.ptsketch file format)

In Pro Tools, a Sketch can be open with or without a session

You can also “pin” a Sketch to one or more sessions, which ensures that the Sketch opens with the ses.sion to which it is pinned

The Sketch window in Pro Tools mirrors the func.tionality of the Pro Tools Sketch app

However, there are some unique controls and behaviors with the Sketch window in Pro Tools

For more information, see “Using Pro Tools Sketch.pdf”

Where that guide tells you to “tap” in the app, in the Sketch window you will click, and where you would double-tap in the app, right-click in the Pro Tools Sketch window

(but with some exceptions)


Creating a New Sketch in Pro Tools
Sketches can be created and opened in Pro Tools independently of sessions and projects.
To create a new Sketch in Pro Tools: 1 Launch Pro Tools. 2 Choose File > New (or File > Dashboard). 3 Click Sketch.

Dashboard, creating a new project

4 Type the Name you want for your Sketch (op.tional).
5 Choose whether you want to be prompted for the location of the new sketch or specify the lo.cation.
6 Click Create.
Sketches created in Pro Tools use the Playback En.gine settings for bit depth and sample rate. When sharing Sketch files between Pro Tools and the iPad app, bit depth and sample rate conversion is managed in the background.

Opening and Viewing a Sketch in Pro Tools
You can open a Sketch in Pro Tools whether a ses.sion is open or not.
To open a Sketch in Pro Tools:
1 Launch Pro Tools.
2 Choose File > Open > Sketch.

To open a Sketch, press Command+Option+ Control+O (Mac) or Control+Alt+Start+O (Windows).
3 Navigate to and select the Sketch you want to open.
4 Click Open.
To bring the Sketch window to the front when you have both a Sketch and a session open at the same time:
• Choose Window > Sketch to Front.

Press Command+Options+Control+= (Mac) or Control+Alt+Start+= (Windows).

Saving a Sketch in Pro Tools
To save a Sketch in Pro Tools:
• With the Sketch window in the foreground and choose File > Save Sketch.

Press Command+S (Mac) or Control+S (Windows).
To save a Sketch as a new Sketch in Pro Tools:
• With the Sketch window in the foreground, choose File > Save Sketch As.

Press Command+Control+S (Mac) or Control+Start+S (Windows).
To save a copy of Sketch in Pro Tools:
1 Ensure that the Sketch window is in the fore.ground and choose File > Save Sketch Copy In.
2 In the resulting dialog, navigate to where you want to save the copy of the Sketch.
3 Type a name for the copy and click Save.

Pro Tools Sketch Window

Figure 1. Sketch window Pro Tools Sketch Window Controls
Audio Out Audio In MIDI In Volume Mute Pin to Session Level meters

Sketch window controls in Pro Tools

Audio Output (Monitoring) Select the monitor output for the Sketch window. This can be any stereo path defined in the Pro Tools I/O Setup (stereo only).
Audio Input Select the audio input for recording audio clips in the Sketch window. This can be any stereo path defined in the Pro Tools I/O Setup (stereo only).
MIDI In Select the MIDI input device and channel for recording MIDI clips in the Sketch window.
Volume This master volume control (vol) lets you adjust the monitoring volume for the Sketch window.
Mute Mute lets you mute the output signal of the Sketch window.
Level Meters This stereo segmented level meter displays volume levels and provides clip indicators for the Sketch audio output.
Pin to Session If you have the Sketch window and a Pro Tools session open at the same time, you can pin the Sketch window to the session. This means that whenever you open that session while the Sketch re.mains pinned to it, the Sketch window opens with that particular Sketch document. Note that a single Sketch can be pinned to multiple sessions.

Sketch Window Toolbar
Media browser Sync Tempo Preferences

Counter Return to Zero

Time Signature


Input Mon

Launch Timing

Sketch Window Toolbar
Media Browser Sound Library
Pro Tools Sketch includes a collection of sounds and MIDI, including audio loops and one shots, and MIDI patterns.
The audio loops included with Pro Tools Sketch are available in the Loops directory of the Sound Library tab.

The MIDI sequences included with Pro Tools Sketch are available in the MIDI directory of the Sound Library tab.
Click the Browse tab to navigate your system di.rectories for audio and MIDI files. You can drag and drop any audio or MIDI file to Pro Tools Sketch from any accessible location.
Click the Undo icon to undo your last edit in the Sketch. Click the Redo icon to redo the last undone edit in the Sketch.
When Sync is enabled, the Sketch window plays in the context of Pro Tools (like with Elastic Audio in the Workspace browser). The Sketch plays back following the Pro Tools tempo, and the Scene Ar.ranger and Pro Tools timeline are synced. The Sketch file returns to its original tempo when Sync is disabled (even if you saved when it was synced, it will not be overwritten with the Pro Tools ses.sion tempo).
Also, when Sync is enabled, regardless of what tempo a Sketch file was created in, media that is dragged from the Sketch window to the Pro Tools timeline is time-stretched to fit the Pro Tools ses.sion tempo. When Sync is disabled, media dragged from the Sketch window into Pro Tools retains its original duration.
Input Monitoring
Click to enable (or disable) audio input monitoring (audio tracks only).
Displays the current playback location. Click to open the Transport Settings where you can change the location of play start.
Pause/Return to Zero
Click the Pause icon once to pause playback. Click it again to return to the beginning of the Sketch.
Click the Play icon to start playback.
Displays the Sketch tempo. Click to open Sketch Settings where you can change the tempo.
Time Signature (Meter)
Displays the Sketch meter. Click to open Sketch Settings where you can change the meter.

Launch Timing (LaunchQuantize)
Set the Launch Timing (LT) for the start of clip playback. This is when a clip starts playback in a Scene or Scene Arrangement



Click to play the Metronome click

Click again to stop the Metronome



Click to open the Sketch Window Preferences (not the Pro Tools Preferences)

For more information, see “Sketch Window Preferences” on page 451.

Drag and drop to an empty Clip cell to add a clip to an existing track or to an empty space to create a new track (an Instrument track for MIDI clips or an audio track for audio clips) with the new clip in the first cell. You can also drag and drop clips between the Pro Tools Sketch window and the Pro Tools Edit window, the Clips List, and Workspace browsers. Additionally, Scenes can be dragged and dropped from the Sketch window to the Pro Tools timeline in the Edit window.

can only drag single interleaved stereo clips from sessions to the Sketch window. Clips with fades can be imported, but any fades are removed. Clip groups are not supported.

can drag MIDI clips from a session to an Instrument track in the Sketch window and see the MIDI notes. However, when dragging and dropping MIDI clips from the Sketch window into a session, they can you can only be dragged to an audio track in a session and are converted to audio clips.

Adding Clips to a Sketch
To add clips to a Sketch, do one of the following:

Drag and drop from Media browser to a cell.

Drag and drop from a Pro Tools Workspace browser to a cell.

Drag and drop from the Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) to a cell.

If you have a session open, drag and drop from the session Clips List to a cell on a track.

Dragging and dropping from Media browser to a clip cell on an audio track
Playing Back Individual Clips
You can play back individual clips in your Sketch.
To play back any individual clip, do one of the following:

Click the Play icon on the clip you want.

Click the Play icon in the Editor for the selected clip.

Recording Clips
When you record into an empty clip cell, audio or MIDI, you can do long form recording. When re.cording into an empty clip, the subsequent record.ing is of a fixed length determined by the current clip boundaries. With MIDI, recording into an ex.isting clip results in MIDI Merge recording.
Recording Audio Clips
The Pro Tools Sketch window lets you record au.dio clips using the selected stereo audio input (available inputs are defined in the Pro Tools I/O Setup).
To record audio clips:
1 Select the audio input path.
2 If desired, click Input Monitor to hear your au.dio source during recording.
3 Click Track Record enable on an audio track.
4 Click Clip Record on the clip cell where you want to record audio. Recording starts immedi.ately. However, if you are at a counter position between Launch Timing points, then recording starts at the next timing point.
Recording starts immediately. However, if you are at a counter position between Launch Timing points, then recording starts at the next timing point.
Record into an empty clip cell to record for an in.definite length.
Record into an existing empty clip with defined boundaries to record for the duration of this clip. You cannot record into and overwrite audio in an existing clip.
Track Record enable Clip Record Stop

Recording an audio clip
When you are finished recording, tap Stop. Recording stops automatically if it was made into a clip with predefined length For information on the clip length, see “Clip Properties” on page 440.
You can view the audio you recorded in the Audio Clip Editor.
Recording MIDI Clips

Pro Tools Sketch lets you record MIDI clips using the selected MIDI input device.
To record MIDI clips: 1 Select the MIDI device for MIDI Input. 2 Click Track Record enable on an Instrument track. 3 Click Clip Record on the clip cell where you want to record MIDI. Recording starts immediately. However, if you are at a counter position between Launch Timing points, then recording starts at the next timing point. Record into an empty clip cell to record for an indefinite length. Record into an existing MIDI clip to record for the duration of the existing clip—recorded MIDI merges with the existing MIDI in the clip.
Track Record enable Clip Record Stop

Recording a MIDI clip

4 Play your MIDI controller or playback MIDI from a Pro Tools MIDI or Instrument track. (You can also click keys on the on-screen keyboard in the Editor view or the on-screen keyboard of a Virtual Instru.ment in Track view).
When you are finished recording, click Stop in the Sketch Window toolbar. You can view the MIDI you recorded in the MIDI Clip Editor.
Duplicate Clip
To duplicate a clip:
• Right-click the clip and choose Duplicate.
The clip is duplicated in the next empty clip cell on the track.
Remove Clip
To remove a clip:
• Right-click the clip and choose Remove.
The clip is removed from the track.
Open in Editor
To open a clip in the Editor, do one of the following:

Right-click the clip and choose Open in Editor.

Double-click any clip to open it in the Editor tab.

The audio or MIDI clip opens in the Editor tab.
Clip Properties
To edit the properties for a clip: 1 Right-click the clip and choose Properties. 2 Make the changes you want in the Clip Proper.ties window. Name Type the name you want for the clip. Type Displays the Clip Type: AUDIO or MIDI. Source BPM Displays the BPM for the source clip. Click Edit to change.

You should only change the Source BPM if you know it should be different than what is displayed.
Color Enable (or disable) to show the selected clip color. Click in the color palette to select the color you want for the clip.
Loop Enable (or disable) to loop the clip on play.back. Clips with Loop disabled act as “one shots.”
3 Click OK to close Clip Properties.

Scenes and Arrangement

Clips on tracks can be played back all together in a Scene. A Scene is a row of clips in the Clip Launcher. Scenes can be ordered in an Arrangement, and each Scene can be set to repeat playback by a specified num.ber of time. Fore example, in an Arrangement you can have Scene 1 play four times and then move to play.ing back Scene 5 two times, and so on. Scenes do can be ordered in an Arrangement however you want: Scene 5 x2, Scene 3 x4, Scene 8 x1, and so on.

Scenes are rows of clips that can be played back all together.
Play Scene
Stop All
Scene Play and Stop All icons
To play back a Scene:
• Click the Play icon for the Scene.
To stop playback of a Scene:
• Click the Stop All icon at the bottom of the Scenes column. This stops playback of the Scene and any other clips that may be playing back on other tracks (and in other Scenes).
To duplicate a Scene:
• Right-click the Scene you want in the left-hand column and choose Duplicate.

To delete a Scene:
• Right-click the Scene you want in the left-hand column and choose Delete.
To change Scene Properties:
1 Right-click the Scene you want in the left-hand column and choose Properties.
2 Type a new Name for the Scene if desired.
3 Click Color to select a color for the Scene and then click the color you want in the color pal.ette.
4 Click OK.

To add a new Scene above another Scene: To create a new Scene from clips playing on different tracks:
• Right-click the Scene you want in the left-hand 1 Start playback of clips on different tracks and column and choose New Scene Above.
Scenes that you want to duplicate on the same To add a new Scene below another Scene: tracks, but into a new Scene.
• Right-click the Scene you want in the left-hand 2 Right-click any Scene in the left-hand column column and choose New Scene Below. and choose Create Scene from Playing.
Dragging a Scene into a Session
You can drag and drop any Scene from the Sketch window to the Timeline in the Edit window of an open session. Doing so results in new tracks matching those in the Sketch being created in the session with media beginning at the Timeline location where you dropped the Scene. Scenes cannot be dropped in the Tracks List.

Dragging a Scene from the Sketch window onto Timeline in Edit window

Scene dropped from Sketch window onto Timeline in Edit window

The Pro Tools Sketch window lets you create an Arrangement of different Scenes that you can set up like a song. You can export the Arrangement as a new audio file or drag and drop it into an open Pro Tools ses.

Adding a Scene to the Arrangement
To add a Scene to the Arrangement:
• Drag and drop a Scene from the left-most col.umn up into the Arrangement.
To reorder Scenes in the Arrangement:
• In the Arrangement, drag and drop a Scene to a new location in the Arrangement,
To repeat a Scene in the Arrangement:
1 Click the Scene Multiplier to the right of the Scene in the Arrangement.
2 Click + to increase the number of times that you want the Scene to repeat during playback of the Arrangement, or click – to decrease the number of times that you want the Scene to repeat during playback of the Arrangement.
64 is the maximum number of repeats for a Scene in the Arrangement.
3 Click Close.
To remove a Scene from the Arrangement:
• Right-click the Scene in the Arrangement that you want to remove and choose Remove Scene.
To export the current Arrangement from your
Sketch as a new audio file:
1 Click the Arrangement menu icon and choose Export Arrangement.
2 Navigate to the location where you want to save your Arrangement.
3 Type a name for the Arrangement.
4 Click Export.

To clear all Scenes from the Arrangement:
• Click the Arrangement menu icon and choose Clear All.
Dragging the Arrangement into a Session
You can drag and drop an Arrangement from the Sketch window to the Timeline in the Edit window of an open session. Doing so results in new tracks matching those in the Sketch being created in the session with media beginning at the Timeline location where you dropped the Arrangement. The Arrangement cannot be dropped in the Tracks List.

Arrangement dragged from Sketch window onto Timeline in Edit window.


Tracks in the Sketch window consist of columns of MIDI or audio clips. Each track provides its own mixer controls and real-time effects processing for all clips on the track. Audio and MIDI tracks both have three effects inserts. MIDI tracks use virtual instruments (PlayCell and SynthCell) for MIDI playback on the first insert on the track.

Track tab: audio track Track tab: Instrument track


You can edit selected audio and MIDI clips in the Sketch window. You can trim the clip boundaries, enable or disable looping, edit audio or MIDI notes, and so on.

Editor tab: audio clip

Editor tab: MIDI clip
Zooming in the Sketch Window Editor
To zoom out or in the Sketch Window Editor, do one of the following:

Press Command+ or Command+, or Control+ or Control+.

With Key Command Focus enabled, press R or T.

Command-scroll up or down (Mac), or Control-scroll up or down (Windows).

Adding or Deleting Notes in the MIDI Editor
To add MIDI notes in the MIDI Editor:
• Double-click in blank space in the Clip Editor to add a MIDI note there.
To delete MIDI notes in the MIDI Editor:
• Double-click MIDI notes in the Clip Editor.


The Mixer tab lets you mix tracks, including plug-in effects, global effects sends, panning, levels, and solo and mute.

Mixer tab

Global FX
The Global FX tab lets you adjust settings for Delay and Reverb, which are fed by the effects sends on tracks in the Mixer tab.

Global FX tab

Sketch Window Preferences
The Sketch Window Preferences are distinct from the Pro Tools Preferences. They are a limited num.ber of settings just for Sketches and the Sketch window.
To open the Sketch Window Preferences:
• Click the Preferences icon (the Gear icon) in the upper-right corner of the Sketch window.

Documentation Click for online access to the Us.ing Pro Tools Sketch Guide.pdf. The functionality of the Sketch window is nearly identical to using the Sketch app on iPad. In most cases, where the guide says to tap in the app, click in the window, and where it says to double tap, right-click.

About Click to view the version of Pro Tools Sketch that you are running.

In the resulting win.dow, click Close to close the About window

Close Click to close the Preferences window






👈👈👈☜*-PRO TOOLS SKETCH-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥