-camping journals-

-as of [31 JANUARY 2024]


(the last time i ‘went camping’ was during the 2-week trip to ‘philmont boy scout ranch’)

it was the summer before college…

in cimarron new mexico…

the only two other boys my age (brad lubeck + dean abel) were the “leaders” of the trip…

but they got sent back to new jersey before we departed on the trail for smoking dope in front of the younger scouts…

(my first camping trip was with the tiger cubs at the end of the school year)

i was 6 years old…

i had missed out on an earlier camping trip because i caught the chicken pox…

i was devastated…

(6 years later i missed out on round 2 of frost valley camp after breaking my right wrist in a baseball game)…

again i was devastated…

my family hates the outdoors…

a carryover from growing up in suburban poverty…

so i went with the malchows…

and we showed up way late…

(still it was a good time)

my first camping trip was with the tiger cubs at the end of the school year…i was 6 years old…i had missed out on an earlier camping trip because i caught the chicken pox…i was devastated…(6 years later i missed out on round 2 of frost valley camp after breaking my right wrist in a baseball game)…again i was devastated…

my family hates the outdoors…a carryover from growing up in suburban poverty…so i went with the malchows…and we showed up way late…still it was a good time…

the last time i went camping was during the two-week trip to philmont boy scout ranch…it was the summer before college…in cimarron new mexico…

the only two other boys my age (brad lubeck + dean abel) were the “leaders” of the trip…


(but they got sent back to new jersey before we departed on the trail for smoking dope in front of the younger scouts)






👈👈👈☜*-CAMPING-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥