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February 5, 2024 jogabot 0
. -as of [5 FEBRUARY 2024]- . (1920 × 1080 progressively displayed pixels) . *aka* —> Full HD FHD BT.709 . -[1080p] is a set […]
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February 5, 2024 jogabot 0
. -as of [3 MAY 2024]- . -[8K resolution] refers to an [image / ‘display resolution’] with a [width] of approximately [8,000 pixels]- . 8K […]
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[ultra-high definition]

February 5, 2024 jogabot 0
. -as of [25 MAY 2024]- . *AKA* —> Ultra HD television Ultra HD UHDTV UHD Super Hi-Vision . *TYPES* —> -4K- -8K- . -[ultra-high-definition […]
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February 1, 2024 jogabot 0
. *SIGNATURE MIXES* . -as of [1 FEBRUARY 2024]– . “51” (‘crack cocaine’) (mixed w/ ‘marijuana’ and/or ‘tobacco’) . “kittie flipping” (‘ketamine’ + MDMA) . […]