-as of [4 JANUARY 2024]-




Every skilled worker needs to look after their tools and musicians are no exception.
Sure, wear and tear are normal—especially when you play your instrument often—but a little TLC will ensure your musical gear continues to look, play and sound amazing for years.
At Guitar Center Repairs, you’ll find a dedicated team of certified musicians who take pride in helping you reach your highest level of playing potential.
Make no mistake, your music maker is in the best of hands at Guitar Center Repairs.
When it comes to looking after your musical equipment, certain things should be left to professionals—pickup installation, wiring customization and structural repair, to name a few.
Mind you, there are tasks that every guitarist can take care of at home, including regular polishing and restringing.
Of course, not everyone has the time to continually look after their instrument and bringing it to Guitar Center is a great way to save yourself time and ensure that the job gets done right.
With that being said, Guitar Center’s services go well beyond cleaning and string changing.
For those of you who own a stringed instrument and find the action is higher than it once was, a truss rod adjustment is definitely in order.
Or, maybe you want to personalize the look and sound of your guitar—in which case, an expert will be more than happy to swipe out your pickups for a new set, replace the pickguard or perform any other task to give you an axe that’s entirely your own.
Honestly, your best bet is to browse this entire section and see what else is offered in the way of repairs, maintenance and modifications.
Who knows, maybe your local Guitar Center is having a free guitar setup day, so feel free to have a look around this page or take a swing by the store in your area.
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always happy to speak with other local musicians and setting up a quick appointment for your instrument will do wonders for your musical enjoyment.
From nut and bridge replacements to amp electronic upgrades, Guitar Center Repairs has you covered
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥