-surround reverb-[(premiere pro) audio fx]

-as of [4 JUNE 2024]


The Surround Reverb effect is primarily intended for 5.1 sources, but it can also provide surround ambience to mono or stereo sources

In the Waveform Editor, you can choose Edit > Convert Sample Type to convert a mono or stereo file to 5.1, and then apply Surround Reverb.

In the Multitrack Editor, you can send mono or stereo tracks to a 5.1 bus or master with Surround Reverb


Input Center:

Determines the percentage of the center channel included in the processed signal


Input LFE:

Determines the percentage of the Low Frequency Enhancement channel used to excite reverb for other channels.

The LFE signal itself is not reverberated


Reverb Settings


Specifies a file that simulates an acoustic space.

Click Load to add a custom, 6-channel impulse file in WAV or AIFF format


Room Size:

Specifies a percentage of the full room defined by the impulse file.

The larger the percentage, the longer the reverb


Damping LF:

Reduces low-frequency, bass-heavy components in reverb, avoiding muddiness and producing a clearer, more articulate sound


Damping HF:

Reduces high-frequency, transient components in reverb, avoiding harshness and producing a [warmer, lusher sound]



Determines how many milliseconds the reverb takes to build to maximum amplitude.

To produce the most natural sound, specify a short pre-delay of 0–10 milliseconds.

To produce interesting special effects, specify a long pre-delay of 50 milliseconds or more


Front Width:

Controls the stereo spread across the front three channels.

A width setting of 0 produces a mono reverb signal


Surround Width:

Controls the stereo spread across the rear surround channels (Ls and Rs)



C Wet Level:

Controls the amount of reverb added to the Center channel.

(Because this channel usually contains dialog, reverb should typically be lower)


L/R Bal:

Controls left-right balance for front and rear speakers.

100 outputs reverb to only the left,

-100 to only the right


F/B Bal:

Controls front-back balance for left and right speakers.

100 outputs reverb to only the front,

-100 to only the back



Controls the ratio of original to reverberant sound.

A setting of 100 outputs only reverb



Boosts or attenuates amplitude after [processing]






👈👈👈☜*-REVERB-* ☞ 👉👉👉









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