




Hey..i thought i had seen this issue in a preivous post bt can’t find it now. is there an alternative to the ‘yellow POST UPDATED bar’or an easy way to get rid of it as it often is shown ove a button i want to access so i end up having to x out of it hundreds of times a day. thanks!



It’s hard to imagine, what you are seeing, or better what the message is covering.

The message should go away on it own after a few seconds, too. Do you have a screenshot of what you are seeing? What’s the button you need to reach?

sorry for being unclear, here is a youtube link outlining my problem….

in tis case i the yellow rectangle ‘post updated’ bar did not go over any buttons, but it does a lot hof time times so that i have to click on X in order to acccess my toolbar

thanks for your help!

Hi, how do i remove the ‘pinkish’ backdrop on my wordpress text…i see that the manual highlight text has a blue backdrop but i can’t get rid of the pinkish highlted text on some text that i don’t want highlighted. i try clicking out of the box, deleting text untl they touch and then spacing them or hitting ‘enter’ but the pinkish backdrop remians


Hi there:-) Seems you have all kinds of color issues. Pinkish backdrop? Can you provide a link to a screenshot, please or exact steps to reproduce what you are seeing?

hey birgit, here is a youtube clip i posted that demonstrates the problem:

i wanted to know what that pink backdrop behind text is, and how to not let it spread to the text on line below…i think it may have something to do with ‘connecting’ the text lines as a single unit for editing but have found no easy way to get rid of it…also i notice that with te pink backdrop is behind text, it sometimes will then show the text as a blank white rectangle when viewing actual entry

thanks for all your hep!















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥