-as of [24 MARCH 2024]-




*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*


lots more sleeping…

and listening to O+A youtube vids on the flip phone…

and eating chunky peanut butter…

tried my best to keep recording basslines + chord progressions for the “common cold” album…

but got bored + disillusioned easily (without intoxicants)…

so i kept napping…

and the computer shut down a few times…

then i decided to walk to the mercer county library before close…

left a message for AI…

freezing my face off…

gotta shower soon…

the skid marks are getting out of control…

haven’t showered since saturday…

skipped out on new horizons today…

go tomorrow morning…

give a urine test…

you can do 3 groups tomorrow + 2 groups saturday…

but you probably won’t…

until you have to face the consequences…


hope there are no penalties in bank account before i spent $15.50 on the train ticket…

try your best to find a substitute D string…

gandharva has a concert @ the crossroads in garwood NJ…

i want to play there…

get back to the room and record bassline + chord progression for “the negro leagues”…

then you can finally start recording vocals + electric guitar parts…

and really start recording the album…

that’s why you need to get into NYC and earn some cash for intoxicants (preferably dope)…

hit up mellow once you hit $200…

stay there as long as possible…

a different exterminator came by this afternoon…

he was just as friendly as the last one (althoug younger)…

asked me about my music…

in and out in a matter of seconds…

jerked off this evening out of sheer boredom…

to an array of girls from my past…

it was a weak one…

not much libido let over these days…




old man


cheryl dropping me off at the motel room one afternoon…

i realized that i had a large container of DXM pills (that looked like the vitamins i used to take)…

i spilled them all over the backseat of cheryl’s car as i prepared to exit + robotrip that evening…

got back to the room

still sleeping at will…

(and not working)

ate my beef ramen noodles

(sprinkled some stuffing mix into it)

and more scoops of chunky peanut butter

gotta take a shower…

totally unmotivated…

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo


give me my money…

my government’s money…

still gotta finish basic tracking for “the negro leagues”…



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*



*common year*



*common year*



*common year*



*leap year*







👈👈👈 ☜ * -FEBRUARY 19TH- (THE PAST)*









👈👈👈☜*-FEBRUARY 19TH HISTORY-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥