-as of [19 OCTOBER 2024]-




In Adobe Premiere Pro, monoscopic and stereoscopic are VR properties that refer to how images are captured and displayed in a virtual reality (VR) experience:
A single image is sent to both eyes, similar to a regular video or image.
Monoscopic footage is also known as 360-degree footage.
It’s captured with a single lens system, and the resulting footage is stitched together and stretched around a sphere.
Monoscopic VR can be viewed on any device, including without a headset
Two images are sent to each eye, one for each eye.
Stereoscopic footage is captured with two lenses for each angle, similar to how human eyes work.
The two lenses have slightly different angles, which creates a sense of depth.
Stereoscopic VR requires a headset to view.
In Premiere Pro, you can mix and match different resolutions and stereoscopic/monoscopic layouts in the same sequence using the VR Projection effect.
You can also publish VR videos directly to websites like YouTube or Facebook
In Adobe Premiere Pro’s VR properties, “stereoscopic over under” means the left and right eye views of a 3D video are stacked vertically one above the other within a single frame,
while “stereoscopic side by side” means the left and right eye views are placed horizontally next to each other in the same frame;
essentially, the primary difference is how the two perspectives are arranged within the video frame, either vertically stacked or horizontally aligned
Key points to remember:
Over Under:
Left eye view is on top, right eye view is on bottom
Useful when the source video is captured with a camera that outputs the two views stacked vertically
Side by Side:
Left eye view is on the left side of the frame, right eye view is on the right side.
Typically used when the source video captures the left and right views horizontally aligned.
*horizontal captured view*—>
(adjust in increments of 1°)
*maximum* —>
(default setting)
*minimum* —>
*vertical captured view* —>
(adjust in increments of 1°)
*maximum* —>
(default setting)
*minimum* —>
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