-as of [20 NOVEMBER 2024]-












Containers Accepted

Eligible bottles and cans include all empty containers under one gallon that were sold in New York State for the following beverage types:

Carbonated soft drinks


Soda water


Malt beverages

Wine cooler containers


Food or Beverage Service Establishments must accept all

metal cans,

aluminum foil products,

glass bottles and jars,

plastic bottles and jugs

from their customers for recycling.

They are not required give you a five cent refund


Container Limits

You may be limited to 240 beverage containers per visit, per day.

Smaller stores may be able to limit you to 72 containers.

However, the law states that you may make 48-hour advance arrangements to redeem an unlimited number of empty containers.

Stores that are not open 24 hours a day do not have to accept containers during the first and last half hour of their business day.


Retailer Complaint

A return may be refused if:

The store does not carry that type of container

The container does not have a proper New York refund label

The container is not in reasonably good condition, broken, or corroded

The container holds anything other than small amounts of dirt, dust, or moisture

If a store refuses to accept your container and issue a deposit refund, you can file a complaint with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation



File complaint against a store that refuses to accept your container and issue a deposit refund


By Phone


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation



New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Local Law Enforcement Complaint Line


Phone Number: 

(718) 482-4999


Business Hours: 

Monday – Friday:

9 AM – 5 PM















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥