"delfik journals"

(i was punched for ‘the club’ in ‘fall 2003’)

(via a ‘note under the door’)

(my roommate ‘big will’ may have intercepted a few ‘invites’)

(the only other dude who received invite(s) in our ‘8-man blocking group’ was ‘kulchitsky’)

(likely due to his ‘upper-crust’ (and ‘sexually unimpressive’) girlfriend ‘cassie’)

(from an upper-crust new england family)

(i believe he ‘leveled up’ during his final year for ‘jennifer’ in ‘year 3’)

(1 year younger)

(i liked to think that i came from the ‘wealthiest family’ in our blocking group)

(this was the final era in which one took pride in his family’s relative wealth)

(re)-define ‘family” please)

(although sobic’s famliy was definitely ‘well-off’)

(i stayed at his wisconsin family home for a week in ‘summer 2003’)

(along with ‘dowell’)

(what did his dad do ‘for a living’?)

(i was the only one in my ‘blocking group’ who never played for the ‘harvard football team’)

(though most of them eventually quit the team)

(even though they were recruited by the ‘harvard football scouts’)

(and that most likely played the primary reason for ‘acceptance’ BY FAR)

(how do ‘application committees’ select students?)

((and my freshman roommate ‘brendan’ was a ‘walk-on’)

(‘big will’ and i shared a ‘single room double’ in ‘fall 2003’)

(he likely had a good understanding of how ‘the harvard social system’ operates)

(just like me)

(did he discard them out of pure ‘spite’?)

(thinking i wouldn’t find out?)

(i wonder how the ‘final club committees’ des(i

(and how often does ;f occur?)

(‘year 2’ as an undergraduate)

(‘age 19’)

(made the ‘2nd round’)

(how many members does each ‘final club’ have?)



*OCTOBER 2003*

(consisted of a ‘saturday morning’ bus trip to the ‘farm’ of a ‘delphic alum’)




(what town / county?)
(how long was the bus ride?)

(i had been out drinking the night before)
(‘friday night?’)

(and ‘with whom’?)

(the second round was hosted at a boston restaurant)

(i was supposed to perform at their halloween party)

(but corker flaked on me)

(and then i realized that i never got an ‘invite’ for the 3rd round)

(at first i suspected someone in my blocking group of stealing the invite)

(because they’d slip it under your door)

(was it will rodger?)

(none of those bozos were punched for any final club)

(‘kulchistky’ also (s)elected) for nround of the delphic before being unceremoniously tossed to the curb along with me)

(but how the hell did geeks like ‘philip mertz’ and ‘pfoho joe’ make the cut?)

(i was usually allowed to enter the club by myself)}(with just the right bit of ‘groveling’ / ‘begging’ / ‘flattering’ / ‘buttering up’)


(the next fall (2004), delphic member ‘tim naylor’ told me that i was going to be ‘punched’ for the ‘delphic’ once more)

(but i never received an invite)

(did kulchitsky intercept it after it was slipped under the door?)

(how did the ‘final club committees’ know where each of our dorms were?)






👈👈👈☜*“THE DELPHIC”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥