*23 MARCH 2018*
(a clip of a ‘street rendition’ of “mis amigos”)
(written in ‘summer 2015’)
(@ ‘dekalb avenue subway station’)
‘fort greene‘
(or ‘downtown brooklyn’?)
“a bit of both…”
(shared by the “BMT 4TH AVENUE” and “BMT BRIGHTON LINES”)
(recorded sometime in ‘fall 2017’)
(i made several attempts to record the song @ “the mounts motel” all season)
(but ended up with 4 sloppy demos)
(included in our audio ‘scraps’ bandcamp playlist)
(contact me if you’d like me to personally release the playlist to you free of charge!)
(until my ‘iMac’ finally died (@ ‘age 5’))
(…putting an immediate halt to all future ‘home recording sessions’)
(it had been dying since the beginning of summer but i managed to revive it and turn it back “on” when even the ‘apple genius’ @ “freehold NJ apple store”) said ’twas ‘good as dead’)