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“jo”*the syllable*

September 12, 2012 jogabot 0

“JOSEPH” (or ‘josephine’…) (i was going to be named ‘christine’ if ‘female’) (why not ‘cheryl’?) “JODIE” . . 👈👈👈☜*“LIST OF SYLLABLES”* ☞ 👉👉👉 . . […]

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“september 11th birthdays”

September 11, 2012 jogabot 0

*OUR FRIENDS*(rated by ‘family’ status + ‘loyalty’ status)(as indicated by our ‘facebook music page’) . *FAMOUS FIGURES*(beginning with earliest verified birth) . . 👈👈👈 ☜ […]

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*the levant*

September 11, 2012 jogabot 1

. *SATELLITE VIEW* . /ləˈvænt/ ‘arabic’ –> المشرق /ʔal-maʃriq/ . (the ‘levant’ is an approximate historical geographical term referring to a large area in the […]

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September 10, 2012 jogabot 0

. *TYPES* –> *CELL NUCLEUS* . -in ‘cell biology’, an organelle is a ‘specialized sub-unit’ within a ‘cell’ that has a specific ‘function’- . (‘organelles’ are either separately enclosed within […]

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September 10, 2012 jogabot 0

. “gah MEE toe site* . -a gametocyte is a ‘eu-karyotic germ cell’- . divides by… *’mitosis’ (into other ‘gametocytes’)* OR *’meiosis’ (into ‘gametids’)* (during ‘gameto-genesis’) . (‘male gametocytes’ are called spermatocytes) . (‘female […]

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September 10, 2012 jogabot 0

-[GAMETO-CYTE]- . -a germ cell is any ‘biological cell’ that gives rise to the ‘gametes’ of an ‘organism’ that reproduces sexually- . (in many animals, the ‘germ cells’ originate in the ‘primitive streak’ and […]