
-as of [12 MARCH 2025]

















(aka “how to make life worth living”)
(at least ‘one way’ (of many))






*”art” is a diverse range of ‘human activities’ in creating ‘visual’, ‘auditory’, or ‘performing’ artifacts (aka ‘artworks’), expressing the author’s ‘imaginative’ or ‘technical skill’, intended to be ‘appreciated’ for their ‘beauty’ or ’emotional power’*


(in their most ‘general’ form, these ‘activities’ include the ‘production’ of ‘works of art’, the ‘criticism of art’, the “study of the ‘history of art'”, and the ‘aesthetic dissemination of ‘art”)

(the oldest documented forms of ‘art’ are ‘visual arts’, which include creation of ‘images’ or ‘objects’ in fields including today ‘painting’, ‘sculpture’, ‘printmaking’, ‘photography’, and other ‘visual media’)

(‘architecture’ is often included as one of the ‘visual arts’; however, like the ‘decorative arts’, or ‘advertising’, it involves the creation of objects where the practical considerations of use are “essential”

(and how are you defining (and “quantifying” aka “spectrum” or “point”) ‘essential’…or “consensual” for that matter?i

(…in a way that they usually are not in a ‘painting’, for example)

((if only for) “shits and giggles!”)

(‘music’, ‘theatre’, ‘film’, ‘dance’, and other ‘performing arts’, as well as ‘literature’ and other ‘media’ such as ‘interactive media’, are included in a broader definition of ‘art’ or ‘the arts’)

(until the ‘1600s’, art referred to any ‘skill’ or ‘mastery’ and was not differentiated from ‘crafts’ or ‘sciences’)

(in ‘modern usage’ (after the ‘1600s’), where ‘aesthetic considerations’ are ‘paramount’, the ‘fine arts’ are ‘separated’ and distinguished from ‘acquired skills’ in general, such as the decorative or ‘applied arts’)

(‘art’ may be characterized in terms of ‘mimesis’ (aka “its ‘representation’ of ‘reality'”), ‘narrative’ (storytelling), ‘expression’, ‘communication of emotion’, or other ‘qualities’)

(during the ‘romantic period’, ‘art’ came to be seen as “a special ‘faculty’ of the ‘human mind’ to be classified with ‘religion’ and ‘science’)

(though the definition of what constitutes ‘art’ is ‘disputed’ and has ‘changed over time’, general descriptions mention an idea of ‘imaginative’ or ‘technical skill’ stemming from ‘human agency’ and ‘creation’)



(the ‘nature’ of ‘art’ (and related ‘concepts’ such as ‘creativity’ + ‘interpretation’) are explored in a ‘branch’ of ‘philosophy’ known as ‘aesthetics’)








👈👈👈☜*“BACK TO BASIX”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥