-as of [19 JANUARY 2025]–
*from ‘middle english’ word curraunt*
(“in circulation”)
*from latin currens / -entis*
-a currency in the most specific use of the word refers to ‘money’ in any form when in actual ‘use’ or ‘circulation’ as a ‘medium of exchange’, especially ‘circulating banknotes/coins’-
(a more general definition is that a ‘currency’ is a system of money (monetary units) in common use, especially in a nation)
(under this definition, ‘US dollars’, ‘british pounds’, ‘australian dollars’, and ‘european euros’ are examples of ‘currency’)
(these various ‘currencies’ are recognized ‘stores of value’ and are traded between ‘nations’ in ‘foreign exchange markets’, which determine the ‘relative values’ of the different ‘currencies’)
(‘currencies’ in this sense are defined by ‘governments’, and each type has limited ‘boundaries of acceptance’)
(other definitions of the term “currency”…)
(the latter definition – pertaining to the ‘currency systems of nations’ – is the ‘primary definition’)
(‘currencies’ can be classified into 2 monetary systems…)
‘fiat money’
‘commodity money’
(…depending on what guarantees the value (the ‘economy-at-large’ vs. the government’s ‘physical metal reserves’)
(some currencies are ‘legal tender’ in certain ‘political jurisdictions’, which means they cannot be refused as payment for ‘debt’)
(others are simply traded for their ‘economic value’)
(‘digital currency’ has arisen with the popularity of ‘computers’ + the ‘internet’)
(‘fiat money’ is currency which derives its value from ‘government regulation’ or ‘law’)
(the term derives from the latin “fiat”)
(“let it be done” / “it shall be”)
(‘fiat money’ was first used in ‘china’ in ‘year 1000’)
“cent” = “1/100 of basic monetary unit”
‘PENNY’ = ‘1 CENT’
‘DIME’ = ’10 CENTS’
AMERICAN GOLD EAGLE = $5 / $10 / $25 / $50
AMERICAN PLATINUM EAGLE = $10 / $25 / $50 / $100
$1 / $5 / $10 / $20 / $50 / $100
*elimination of government-backed currency*
the “O” balloon is the basis for trade
(“the ring”)
(J and G meet at O)
(O as the sun: source of heat and light)
“currency” was first developed in the middle east in 2000BC…
it originally referred to receipts representing grain stored in temple granaries…
money is inherently unhygienic…
all that changing of hands…
in this day and age, there’s no need for currency…
i love the smell of money despite all its germs…
“one world currency”
eliminates the complications associated with exchange rates…
(“currency” was first developed in the ‘middle east’ in ‘2000 BC’)
(it originally referred to ‘receipts’ representing ‘grain’ stored in ‘temple granaries’)
money is inherently unhygienic…
all that changing of hands…
in this day and age, there’s no need for physical currency…
(i love the smell of money despite all its germs)
“one world currency”
(eliminates the complications associated with ‘exchange rates’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥