"debt collection"

(“treasury inflation-protected securities”)


only people that call me back are collections agencies…


i first started dealing with collections agencies after my july 2011 trip to the psych ward (for a fractured skull!)

i was driven there by two police officers…

i had been punched in the face by the younger brother after playfully wrestling with him after a night out in manasquan…

the wrestling soon escalated and before long i was insulting him…

a month after i got out of the hospital, i started receiving calls from a “miss sullivan”…talking some smack about my “account number”…

the mother (who had called the cops in the first place) kept arranging for “charity care” but i was still plagued by phone calls…some of the “physicians” ended up getting paid in full…all in all, the only “treatment” i received was a vicodin prescription…and they initially didn’t see the fractured skull despite taking “x-rays”…

finally the charity care came through…


A collection agency, also known as a debt collector, is a business or other entity that specializes in debt collection, i.e. pursues payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses

Most collection agencies operate as agents of creditors and collect debts for a fee or percentage of the total amount owed

There are many types of collection agencies. First-party agencies are often subsidiaries of the original company the debt is owed to.

Third-party agencies are separate companies contracted by a company to collect debts on their behalf for a fee.

Debt buyers purchase the debt at a percentage of its value, then attempt to collect it.

(each country has its own rules and regulations regarding them)








👈👈👈☜*“ZERO SUM GAMES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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