
it would cost me roughly $6205 / year for my drinking + dipping needs (12-pack of budweiser + can of grizzly long cut dip / day)…

if i replaced the 12-pack with pint of cheap vodka / 40oz of malt liquor, i’d be down to $4745 / year…

(roughly the same amount as i was spending on my dope habit…

roughly $6600 / year …

though as my tolerance increased, it probably went higher…and if i were able to obtain it legally, i’d probably cut the cost in half)

(then again, i’d probably also mix in beer with the dope…though not nearly as much…)

my yearly drug expenses are almost as much as my yearly rent expenses in princeton…
(yearly rent amounts to $7140 / year)
(yearly utilities amount to $886.52 / year)
(yearly cleaning bills amount to $198 / year)
(for a total of $8224.52 / year)

back when i was making $18000 / year (after rent + taxes) in NYC, i could comfortably afford all the dope i wanted…even more so when i was making $22100 / year (until tax season rolled around) in unemployment benefits while living with my parents…now that i’m reduced to beggar status, this suddenly becomes a serious issue…i was best off for the two months i was tutoring the two chinese girls in the summer of 2011…i was making around $36000 / year (until tax season rolled around…and even then i didn’t pay much of it back in taxes due to all the write-offs)…again all rent + food free…my sole expenses were gas and grass…but that didn’t last past the summer…and i was resentful then of sacrificing my music to tutor a bunch of foreigners…

in other words, i was far better off as an adult male living with my parents rent-free than i was as a member of the workforce…(not to mention free food, a car, and all the time i wanted)…the only advantage to being in the workforce was living in new york city…but i could easily park the car @ summit train station and spend the night @ champ’s apartment…

(in short, i didn’t start having sex until i moved back in with the parents)






👈👈👈☜*“ZERO-SUM GAMES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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