florin bogdan radu


i finally found some dudes hanging out in front of a dorm…the one chick in the group left as soon as i arrived…they offered me cigarettes if i played them some music…”florin bogdan radu” facebook friended me…a romanian student (and friend of monica)……some little asian dude recognized “oh! darling” from the first augmented chord…he started singing along…then he tried to tell me how to play the chords to the bridge…by now my voice was starting to crackle…but it was still loud enough that i suspected that campus security would be hassling me soon…the little asian wanted to sing a beatles song with me…he’d “take the low harmony”…we tried playing “two of us” but i’d forgotten the chords…he had to dictate the bridge chords to me (his voice was too low to hit the notes)…then some little jewish princeton freshman usurped my guitar and started singing his shitty music…no one paid much attention…i took back the guitar and tried engaging a curly-haired chick that had walked by…no dice…some other dudes promise to book me at “lawn parties”…

(i’ve heard that before)

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