(‘district courts’ are a category of courts which exists in several nations, usually as the lowest level of the hierarchy)
(‘judge vito virzi’ presided over my ‘probation surrender hearing’ today)
(24 AUGUST 2012 @ 8:30am)
(he’s also presided over the 4 previous court dates stemming from my may 2011 OUI trial)
(i’d assumed he was a jew but apparently he’s italian…)
(“the revenge of lepelstat”!)
mama picked me up @ 4am for an 8:30am court date
(i assumed that after this final appearance, this 15-month nightmare would finally be put to rest…)
“your case stands continued…”
one must leave one’s cellular telephones in their cars, pass through a metal detector presided over by an old maid (removing one’s belt and wallet as well as hands from pocket), and report to the probation department downstairs. i did this today and some grey-haired man seemed confused when i approached him (there is no direction as to WHERE to report to in the basement “probation department” so i walked into the first office. my probation officer claimed that I “rubbed people the wrong way” that very morning when trying to check in with probation (right on time may i add…)
my probation officer ashley losapio was investigated by worcester police for leaking confidential court information to criminals in 2008:
my probation has apparently been extended for 5 weeks (the next hearing has been set for tuesday 26 september 2012)…in the interim, i’m required to schedule a follow-up “evaluation” (because i allegedly blew a 0.16 BAC on the breathalyzer when i first reported to the 48-hour passaic IDRC program on 10 august 2012)…”twice” the “legal” driving limit (though i wasn’t driving!!!)

(jean hennon never called me back to set up an “assessment”)
(jean hennon’s no john lennon!)
(though she’s only 3 letters away…)
(and a single vowel away from being a “hannon”)
(i had left her a voicemail on the evening of 21 august 2012)
(the tuesday night after completing the 48-hour program on sunday night)
(because i was given 10 days to schedule an “evaluation”)
(when i called her back on the morning of 24 august 2012, her voicemail stated that she’d be “out of the office” from 24 august to 31 august)
michael sette (from an unfamiliar #…even though i thought i had his phone #) called me up this morning and the “committee” found no need for further “substance abuse treatment” post-evaluation. he is faxing the paperwork to the passaic IDRC on friday morning and i am going to call “maria” to make sure that she receives the paperwork (with my luck, either she won’t (just like it took her 8+ days to receive paperwork i sent her from somerset county IDRC) or she won’t be in the office). if by some stroke of luck, she does receive the paperwork tomorrow i am going to immediately call the probation officer and tell her to check in with the passaic IDRC. if she is unavailable, i will leave a voicemail and an e-mail. if she continues to freeze me out, i will leave voicemails everyday until she returns my phone call. if she claims that i still have to appear in court on september 26, i will explain that A. i don’t have a ride to court (my mother will be on vacation) B. i can’t afford a train / taxi / plane (as dear mother tried to throw on me during the last court case before relenting and driving me) C. i can’t afford to “miss work” (which she will likely question being that i am not currently employed. i’ll claim princeton tutoring as an employer in this case). with my luck, she’ll offer to have a new jersey police escort drive me the 5-hours to court or attempt to have the court case re-scheduled. then she’ll refuse to talk to me any further. and then if i don’t show, i’ll end up with a warrant out for my arrest anyway! this is a waste of the court’s time as well as a flagrant waste of taxpayer money! in that case, i’ll feel perfectly justified in sending her an e-mail that brings up her prior alleged transgressions (if only in reference to her admission that she shared my voicemails / e-mails to her with other members of the probation department)
wudintyano? he never faxed over the “paperwork” on friday because he “never heard back from his ‘supervisor'” (and he said he’d be outta the office by 3pm! what a leisurely bureaucratic life he leads on the taxpayer dime!) he said that she “needed to sign” and that he “wanted to make sure the paperwork was sent to passaic county rather than ocean county”…so lemme get this straight…she just needs to SIGN the paper and EITHER YOU OR HER (preferably you since you’re aware that it is passaic county that the papers need to be sent to and you have their fax #) just need to send a simple fax and you had OVER A WEEK to do this and you couldn’t get it done??? what fucking gives? and why is he stationed at the “division of youth and family services”??? (which i always thought was spelt “dyphus”) reminds me of how allegedly sympathetic females tried to make me play victim when i confided that the old man used physical disciplinary measures on me as a child (smacks in face and invasions of personal space). it was merely one more way to emasculate me and elevate the old man (one allegedly sympathetic chick wouldn’t even make out with me at the end of the night!)
so now (granted i complete terms of probation), i still have a “continuance without a finding” OUI as well as an arrest for “simple assault” on my permanent record…this i realize just as i’m applying for jobs!
it has now been over two weeks since i’ve completed the “evaluation” required of me. i’ve called michael sette everyday and he has still not faxed the paperwork to the passaic IDRC (everytime i talk to him he assures me that he’ll “do it tomorrow”). my scheduled court date is less than a week away and i fear my cellphone will break down before i can resolve the matter. there is no way i can make it up to court that day (my mother will be embarking on the first day of vacation). knowing my probation officer, she’ll try to hold me to the date (just like she did last time she accused me of “violating probation” for not completing the 40 hours of classes on time. however, she did allow me to reschedule the “probation surrender hearing” back in march (after i told her about the simple assault charge). back then, i told her i was starting a new job at guitar center and couldn’t get off work. i ended up going to the scheduled session anyway (and she wasn’t even there). there was no reason for me to go…an alternate probation officer merely rehashed the circumstances of the new charge (and dismissal) and the judge let me leave.
now it’s monday morning and the september 26th court date is two days away. i left a voicemail for my probation officer (“my very own probation officer”!) on thursday afternoon and tried calling again friday to no response. “maria” from the passaic IDRC claims that she was “just about to” fax over the paperwork to the probation officer on friday afternoon.
i completed 60 hours of alcohol education within a year of the sentencing date of 19 august 2011 (12 hours at the somerset county IDRC and 48 hours at the passaic county IDRC). i was unaware that my probation period was scheduled to end on 14 august 2012 (i assumed that it ended on 19 august 2012). i attended the probation surrender hearing on 26 august 2012 and was informed by your honor that my probation would be terminated once i completed the evaluation. i completed the hourlong evaluation on 5 september 2012 (it took them several weeks to schedule me). the evaluation was conducted by michael sette at preferred behavioral health in lakewood NJ. his supervisor jean hennon reported to the passaic IDRC that i did not require further treatment. my probation officer ashley losapio received a copy of the evaluation via fax from the passaic IDRC (as indicated by her e-mail to me on 25 september 2012). i have paid all fines on time and filed a probation report each month. i have attended all court dates on time. i have no prior probation violations and no criminal record.
i was charged with simple assault in watchung NJ in january 2012 which i reported to my probation officer. the charge was dropped in march 2012. i was originally scheduled to attend the passaic IDRC 48-hour program on 10 august 2012. There was no indication on the letter I received that “clients” were required to be alcohol-free upon arrival. However, i was breathalized and found to have a BAC of 0.16. I was rescheduled for the following weekend.
it is now tuesday morning. i received an e-mail from ashley (the probation officer) informing me that i am required to appear at court tomorrow. “failure to appear will result in a warrant”. she’s still not answering my phone calls. at least i have it documented via e-mail that she received a copy of the evaluation. i’m just wondering what she will use against me this time. mama will be here @ 4am. it is her 30th wedding anniversary today.
we arrived at the courthouse before 8:30am. ashley was the first person i saw upon arrival. again, it was unclear where i was supposed to be checking in. so i went to the room on the right and checked in with the same probation officer who originally denied me the public defender in the initial case. he told me to take a seat. ashley led me to an office and curtly explained that she was going to tell the judge i violated probation and that my probation will be terminated. she casually asked me if i agreed to that (which set off a red flag for me…why wouldn’t i “agree” unless i had the right to dismiss the ruling of “probation violation”?) i asked her what are the consequences of the ruling of “probation violation” if i was going to be terminating probation anyway. she didn’t give any explanation. so i agreed to it.
court started @ 9am. as usual, i was one of the final cases to be called. there was a different judge presiding at this hearing than the one i’d been used to for the prior 5 court appearances. i was nervous…what if he was more of a hard-liner than the previous judge? he wouldn’t be aware of vito virzi’s assertion that he’d terminate my probation as long as i completed the program. on the other hand, vito virzi and i had almost come to mild verbal sparring in the prior court appearance when he misunderstood my request that i waive a court appearance provided i got them the required paperwork for the evaluation and no further treatment was deemed necessary. and this guy seemed like a harmless tortoise. we all stood up as he entered the courtroom like a king. ashley explained my case (thankfully leaving out the anecdote about being turned away from the 48-hour program for having a BAC of 0.16). the judge immediately told her that he wouldn’t rule a probation violation because i had already completed the required program. i was nervous when he first objected, as i believed he’d say something like “then i’m not terminating the probation” but then before i knew it i was free to go. ashley seemed utterly defeated. i suppose they reward probation officer with bonuses if they convince the judge to violate their probationers. i motioned to her asking her if there was any further paperwork to sign and she waved me away. i later returned after the first court recess and she was downstairs on the phone. again, she waved me away.
(the nightmare was over)

judge vito virzi presided over my probation surrender hearing today (24 AUGUST 2012 @ 8:30am)
(he’s also presided over the 4 previous court dates stemming from my may 2011 OUI trial)
(i’d assumed he was a jew but apparently he’s italian…)
(“the revenge of lepelstat”!)
mama picked me up @ 4am for an 8:30am court date
(i assumed that after this final appearance, this 15-month nightmare would finally be put to rest…)
“your case stands continued…”
one must leave one’s cellular telephones in their cars, pass through a metal detector presided over by an old maid (removing one’s belt and wallet as well as hands from pocket), and report to the probation department downstairs. i did this today and some grey-haired man seemed confused when i approached him (there is no direction as to WHERE to report to in the basement “probation department” so i walked into the first office. my probation officer claimed that I “rubbed people the wrong way” that very morning when trying to check in with probation (right on time may i add…)
my probation officer ashley losapio was investigated by worcester police for leaking confidential court information to criminals in 2008:
my probation has apparently been extended for 5 weeks (the next hearing has been set for tuesday 26 september 2012)…in the interim, i’m required to schedule a follow-up “evaluation” (because i allegedly blew a 0.16 BAC on the breathalyzer when i first reported to the 48-hour passaic IDRC program on 10 august 2012)…”twice” the “legal” driving limit (though i wasn’t driving!!!)

(jean hennon never called me back to set up an “assessment”)
(jean hennon’s no john lennon!)
(though she’s only 3 letters away…)
(and a single vowel away from being a “hannon”)
(i had left her a voicemail on the evening of 21 august 2012)
(the tuesday night after completing the 48-hour program on sunday night)
(because i was given 10 days to schedule an “evaluation”)
(when i called her back on the morning of 24 august 2012, her voicemail stated that she’d be “out of the office” from 24 august to 31 august)
michael sette (from an unfamiliar #…even though i thought i had his phone #) called me up this morning and the “committee” found no need for further “substance abuse treatment” post-evaluation. he is faxing the paperwork to the passaic IDRC on friday morning and i am going to call “maria” to make sure that she receives the paperwork (with my luck, either she won’t (just like it took her 8+ days to receive paperwork i sent her from somerset county IDRC) or she won’t be in the office). if by some stroke of luck, she does receive the paperwork tomorrow i am going to immediately call the probation officer and tell her to check in with the passaic IDRC. if she is unavailable, i will leave a voicemail and an e-mail. if she continues to freeze me out, i will leave voicemails everyday until she returns my phone call. if she claims that i still have to appear in court on september 26, i will explain that A. i don’t have a ride to court (my mother will be on vacation) B. i can’t afford a train / taxi / plane (as dear mother tried to throw on me during the last court case before relenting and driving me) C. i can’t afford to “miss work” (which she will likely question being that i am not currently employed. i’ll claim princeton tutoring as an employer in this case). with my luck, she’ll offer to have a new jersey police escort drive me the 5-hours to court or attempt to have the court case re-scheduled. then she’ll refuse to talk to me any further. and then if i don’t show, i’ll end up with a warrant out for my arrest anyway! this is a waste of the court’s time as well as a flagrant waste of taxpayer money! in that case, i’ll feel perfectly justified in sending her an e-mail that brings up her prior alleged transgressions (if only in reference to her admission that she shared my voicemails / e-mails to her with other members of the probation department)
wudintyano? he never faxed over the “paperwork” on friday because he “never heard back from his ‘supervisor'” (and he said he’d be outta the office by 3pm! what a leisurely bureaucratic life he leads on the taxpayer dime!) he said that she “needed to sign” and that he “wanted to make sure the paperwork was sent to passaic county rather than ocean county”…so lemme get this straight…she just needs to SIGN the paper and EITHER YOU OR HER (preferably you since you’re aware that it is passaic county that the papers need to be sent to and you have their fax #) just need to send a simple fax and you had OVER A WEEK to do this and you couldn’t get it done??? what fucking gives? and why is he stationed at the “division of youth and family services”??? (which i always thought was spelt “dyphus”) reminds me of how allegedly sympathetic females tried to make me play victim when i confided that the old man used physical disciplinary measures on me as a child (smacks in face and invasions of personal space). it was merely one more way to emasculate me and elevate the old man (one allegedly sympathetic chick wouldn’t even make out with me at the end of the night!)
so now (granted i complete terms of probation), i still have a “continuance without a finding” OUI as well as an arrest for “simple assault” on my permanent record…this i realize just as i’m applying for jobs!
it has now been over two weeks since i’ve completed the “evaluation” required of me. i’ve called michael sette everyday and he has still not faxed the paperwork to the passaic IDRC (everytime i talk to him he assures me that he’ll “do it tomorrow”). my scheduled court date is less than a week away and i fear my cellphone will break down before i can resolve the matter. there is no way i can make it up to court that day (my mother will be embarking on the first day of vacation). knowing my probation officer, she’ll try to hold me to the date (just like she did last time she accused me of “violating probation” for not completing the 40 hours of classes on time. however, she did allow me to reschedule the “probation surrender hearing” back in march (after i told her about the simple assault charge). back then, i told her i was starting a new job at guitar center and couldn’t get off work. i ended up going to the scheduled session anyway (and she wasn’t even there). there was no reason for me to go…an alternate probation officer merely rehashed the circumstances of the new charge (and dismissal) and the judge let me leave.
now it’s monday morning and the september 26th court date is two days away. i left a voicemail for my probation officer (“my very own probation officer”!) on thursday afternoon and tried calling again friday to no response. “maria” from the passaic IDRC claims that she was “just about to” fax over the paperwork to the probation officer on friday afternoon.
i completed 60 hours of alcohol education within a year of the sentencing date of 19 august 2011 (12 hours at the somerset county IDRC and 48 hours at the passaic county IDRC). i was unaware that my probation period was scheduled to end on 14 august 2012 (i assumed that it ended on 19 august 2012). i attended the probation surrender hearing on 26 august 2012 and was informed by your honor that my probation would be terminated once i completed the evaluation. i completed the hourlong evaluation on 5 september 2012 (it took them several weeks to schedule me). the evaluation was conducted by michael sette at preferred behavioral health in lakewood NJ. his supervisor jean hennon reported to the passaic IDRC that i did not require further treatment. my probation officer ashley losapio received a copy of the evaluation via fax from the passaic IDRC (as indicated by her e-mail to me on 25 september 2012). i have paid all fines on time and filed a probation report each month. i have attended all court dates on time. i have no prior probation violations and no criminal record.
i was charged with simple assault in watchung NJ in january 2012 which i reported to my probation officer. the charge was dropped in march 2012. i was originally scheduled to attend the passaic IDRC 48-hour program on 10 august 2012. There was no indication on the letter I received that “clients” were required to be alcohol-free upon arrival. However, i was breathalized and found to have a BAC of 0.16. I was rescheduled for the following weekend.
it is now tuesday morning. i received an e-mail from ashley (the probation officer) informing me that i am required to appear at court tomorrow. “failure to appear will result in a warrant”. she’s still not answering my phone calls. at least i have it documented via e-mail that she received a copy of the evaluation. i’m just wondering what she will use against me this time. mama will be here @ 4am. it is her 30th wedding anniversary today.
we arrived at the courthouse before 8:30am. ashley was the first person i saw upon arrival. again, it was unclear where i was supposed to be checking in. so i went to the room on the right and checked in with the same probation officer who originally denied me the public defender in the initial case. he told me to take a seat. ashley led me to an office and curtly explained that she was going to tell the judge i violated probation and that my probation will be terminated. she casually asked me if i agreed to that (which set off a red flag for me…why wouldn’t i “agree” unless i had the right to dismiss the ruling of “probation violation”?) i asked her what are the consequences of the ruling of “probation violation” if i was going to be terminating probation anyway. she didn’t give any explanation. so i agreed to it.
court started @ 9am. as usual, i was one of the final cases to be called. there was a different judge presiding at this hearing than the one i’d been used to for the prior 5 court appearances. i was nervous…what if he was more of a hard-liner than the previous judge? he wouldn’t be aware of vito virzi’s assertion that he’d terminate my probation as long as i completed the program. on the other hand, vito virzi and i had almost come to mild verbal sparring in the prior court appearance when he misunderstood my request that i waive a court appearance provided i got them the required paperwork for the evaluation and no further treatment was deemed necessary. and this guy seemed like a harmless tortoise. we all stood up as he entered the courtroom like a king. ashley explained my case (thankfully leaving out the anecdote about being turned away from the 48-hour program for having a BAC of 0.16). the judge immediately told her that he wouldn’t rule a probation violation because i had already completed the required program. i was nervous when he first objected, as i believed he’d say something like “then i’m not terminating the probation” but then before i knew it i was free to go. ashley seemed utterly defeated. i suppose they reward probation officer with bonuses if they convince the judge to violate their probationers.
i motioned to her asking her if there was any further paperwork to sign and she waved me away.
i later returned after the first court recess and she was downstairs on the phone.
again, she waved me away.
the nightmare was over…
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥