-page jumps-

-as of [12 DECEMBER 2023]




*also sometimes referred to as ‘anchor links’*



*STEP 1*

*navigate to desired ‘destination block’*


*STEP 2*

create a new ‘paragraph block’

(type in /heading to change it to a ‘heading block’)

*heading blocks*

(you can insert ‘text’ or leave blank)


*STEP 3*

(in ‘right column’, open ‘block tab’ + click on the “advanced drop-down menu”…)


(type in your “html anchor”)

(it must be unique within a document)

(it is ‘case-sensitive’)


(it can include the following symbols…)












(cannot include spaces)

(it must start with a letter of the alphabet)


*STEP 4*

*create a link to your ‘html anchor’*

(can be ‘text’ / ‘image’ / ‘button’)

(just highlight it)

(then select the ‘link option’ from the block’s toolbar)

(or just press [COMMAND] + [k])



*STEP 5*


(type in a ‘hashtag’ followed by your ‘html anchor text’)


(the ‘jump’ won’t work until you publish the entry)

(it won’t show up in ‘preview mode’)


*you can also link to an ‘html anchor’ on another page*


(just insert the ‘page link’ before the ‘hashtag html anchor’…)
















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥