“you are what you eat…”

*INPUT* –>



“…and there goes the neighborhood!”


-as of [17 FEBRUARY 2024]


“nutrition” –>

(the ‘science’ that ‘interprets’ the ‘interaction’ of ‘nutrients’ (+ other ‘substances’) in ‘food’ in relation to an organism’s…)










‘food intake’








(the ‘diet’ of an organism is what it ‘eats’, which is largely determined by the food’s…)





(a ‘healthy diet’ includes ‘preparation’ of food + ‘storage methods’ that preserve ‘nutrients’ from (‘oxidation’ / ‘heat’ / ‘leaching’) + reduces risk of ‘foodborne illness’)


(a poor ‘diet’ can cause ‘deficiency diseases’ such as…)




‘pre-term birth’




(a ‘poor diet’ can also cause ‘health-threatening conditions’ such as…)


‘metabolic syndrome’ 


(a poor diet can ’cause’ (/ ‘contribute to’?) ‘common chronic systemic diseases’ such as…)

‘cardiovascular disease’




(frightened of food yet?”)

“good!  precisely what ‘we’ wanted to do…minimize any and all sources of ‘pleasure’ for you…”


(and make you…)






*’miserable’ in general*



(a ‘poor diet’ can cause the ‘wasting of kwashiorkor’ in acute cases, and the ‘stunting of marasmus’ in chronic cases of ‘malnutrition’)

“nice names!”








👈👈👈☜*“OUR ENGINE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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